I've seen some new names this week.
Girl I babysit: Meah.
Guy I thanked at customer service, thinking Jorge was pronounced "Hore-hay", only to have him respond "It's pronounced GEORGE!"
Worked with a girl named Ryan. She told me that she HATES her name, because people always assume she's a boy, and is tired of correcting people. When she turns 18 she is changing her name to May. (her middle name is James or John...can't remember...but how horrible!! I felt so bad for her)
My mom's friend named her new son Red. But is pronounced Reed/Reid. No comment on this. Just...sigh.
Re: From the last few days.
Pronounced like May? or Meee AAAHH!! Hehe! What? You never know!
Pronounced like Me-ahh.
Sadly, these days you don't know!
Freyja Marjorie Belle
11.11.10 - 5 pounds 15 ounces
Yep! I like Mia, or Leah, but not Meah!
Those are all pretty bad, really.