Iowa Babies

WDSM OB/GYN and Asso.

For those of you that go to this group, can i expect to have an ultrasound and/or hear the baby's heartbeat at my 8 weeks apt. or will they wait until the 12 week one?


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Re: WDSM OB/GYN and Asso.

  • I am at 19 weeks with my first pregnancy and have been going to West Des Moines ObGyn.  We got to hear the heartbeat and 12 and 16 week appt., but we will have our first ultrasound at the 20 week appt next week.  Hope this helps! 
  • I asked for an ultrasound to get a due date from there at 8 weeks, because I wasn't sure when my last period was and I had one.

     also, just a little warning; they are not very nice or accomodating there, I switched at 8 mos preggo because of the service I recieved from them, ever since I switched I keep running into people who had the same complaints on them. Good luck!!

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  • At your 8 wk. appointment you get a pelvic exam (they'll say, "Yep! Your uterus is enlarged!"-meaning you're pregnant). So, unfortunately no heartbeat. At your 12 week, they'll put the doppler on your stomach so you can hear the heartbeat. Be sure to bring your significant other with you!

    I know some people have had unpleasant experiences at WDM OBGYN, but so far everyone I've meet there has been wonderful. I'm at 27 weeks and have had a great experience with doctors who don't look at you like you're stupid if you ask a question. Good luck! 

  • I didn't start going there until 17 weeks so we only had an ultrasound at 20 weeks but I heard the heartbeat right away. I'm only responding due to the pp that stated they switched from there. I did have two of the doctors there that I didn't like but then when it came down to it Makkapati was awesome! I have been seeing her since my Ladybug was born for all my PP needs! So now I like all but one which was on duty when I was induced :( but Makkapati was the one that delivered DD! :)

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  • I've been going to this office and their downtown office since I found out. Several of my friends have gone there and all had excellent services. I had an ultrasound/heartbeat at 11 wks. We also heard the heartbeat again at 16 wks. We are doing another ultrasound at 19 wks to find out the sex. So far very pleased with the Drs and staff!
  • I went there and they only have an ultra sound machine on Friday's they are rude and don't really care i strongly suggest switching i did at 5 months and i went to Lakeview which is methodist delivery and i havent been happier im now 7 mo and they are phenominal there number is 515-241-2200 I have delt with 3 different doctors and they are all amazing. :) that is my advice! Good Luck!!

  • I have an appointment with a Nurse Practitioner on 12/7 (9 weeks). Will they do the U/S then? I forgot to ask when I made the appointment!
  • I was given a dating ultra sound at my first appt b/c I had no idea on timeframe. 

    I was there with my first pregnancy, but am going somewhere else for my second.  They were great for while I was pregnant, but told me my problems were not pregnancy related when I called post baby about problems I was having.  


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