Say you had an old boyfriend who moved overseas, no access to email or telephones so the only way you had of staying in touch was via writing letters. You went your separate ways due to distance but still have very fond memories of said person and will probably always wonder "What if..."
Fast forward 10 years and you're happily married to someone else. While cleaning out the garage you find a box of old mementos including many of these letters.
What the heck would you do with the letters? Keep them in a box hidden in the garage/basement/attic? Throw them away? Share them with your husband, LOL?
Re: WWYD with old love letters?
Probably throw them away. I'd be tempted to keep them but that's the secret hoarder in me.
or you could post them word for word on the nest, in case you need further help in deciding their destiny.
just thinking out loud.
This, except we moved 3 years ago when I did it.