
WWYD with old love letters?

Say you had an old boyfriend who moved overseas, no access to email or telephones so the only way you had of staying in touch was via writing letters. You went your separate ways due to distance but still have very fond memories of said person and will probably always wonder "What if..."

Fast forward 10 years and you're happily married to someone else. While cleaning out the garage you find a box of old mementos including many of these letters. 

What the heck would you do with the letters? Keep them in a box hidden in the garage/basement/attic? Throw them away? Share them with your husband, LOL? 

Re: WWYD with old love letters?

  • Probably throw them away.  I'd be tempted to keep them but that's the secret hoarder in me. 

  • Toss them. And I did. ;)  When we moved 2 yrs ago, I trashed the box of that stuff that I had kept from my early-college BF.  It's a memory, but I don't have any contact with him and never will I just don't see the point.  
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  • since you kind of forgot about them in the garage (no?), then i would toss them.
    Patty Matt 4/7/05 and Sean 12/14/06 image
  • I'd keep them!  And I might show them to my husband actually.  He's not the jealous type and is confident enough in our love to know it was just a happy reminiscence and nothing more.
    imageimageBaby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • or you could post them word for word on the nest, in case you need further help in deciding their destiny.

    just thinking out loud.

    Patty Matt 4/7/05 and Sean 12/14/06 image
  • imagecnybride2be:

    or you could post them word for word on the nest, in case you need further help in deciding their destiny.

    just thinking out loud.


    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • I would toss them. If you aren't sure, ask yourself if DH would be OK with it if you kept them, or if you would be OK with him keeping letters.
  • I'd keep them, but my reason is morbid.  My mom passed away when I was 7.  She kept lots of letters between her and her first husband when he was in the service.  As I got older, reading them was a way for me to get to know her and know who she was in her own words.  Nobody in my family shared much about her, especially her past, with me.  I treasured those letters and read them over and over.  So I've hung on to lots of old letters like that, so my kids might find them someday in case I'm not around.
    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

  • I kept a box of letters like that too, they're up in my closet. I found some of my mom's up in her attic and it was interesting to read them. If you have room for them, why not?
  • I tossed mine this summer when I found them. I figured it's over, no reason to live in the past and it might confuse my kids if they were to find them. Plus if my husband found them hidden away that would seem awfully suspicious- like I was harboring all sorts of feelings for someone who wasn't him. I have memories in my mind. That will suffice.
  • imagejettagurl:
    Toss them. And I did. ;)  When we moved 2 yrs ago, I trashed the box of that stuff that I had kept from my early-college BF.  It's a memory, but I don't have any contact with him and never will I just don't see the point.  

    This, except we moved 3 years ago when I did it.

  • I was going to say toss them. But I love the idea of DS being able to read them later--I would love to read old love letters of my parents (even if they weren't to each other).
  • Personally, I'd toss them.
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