South Florida Babies

Pregnancy Update

I've been so busy that I haven't given an update in a while but just wanted to share the results of my ultrasound this past Monday.  Everything looks good.  Elise weighs 5 lbs already and is in the 50th percentile - so I guess she'll be about average size.  She's upside down but facing the right side which makes sense b/c I feel most of the movements and kicking on that side.  Other than that, we're just super excited and can't wait for her to arrive.  We're spending these last few weeks just trying to have a good time and go out as much as possible (without breaking the bank, lol) since I know it will be a while before we start going out with her. 

I hope everyone else is doing well and can't wait to hear more baby updates.

Re: Pregnancy Update

  • Sounds so exciting! Cheers to another month of happiness before she arrives :)
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Glad to hear all is going perfectly!  Enjoy the last few wks of couplehood... before parenthood.  : )  
    -- Jackie
    "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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  • imagecocojack10:
    Glad to hear all is going perfectly!  Enjoy the last few wks of couplehood... before parenthood.  : )  

    Love this saying! 

    Good luck for the last few weeks, and enjoy all these quiet moments.

    My Blog: One Project at a Time Blog


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    My Chart
    CP 05/09
    BFP on 7/26/09 - M/C 8/13/09 @ 7 Wks
    BFP on 10/28/09 - M/C 11/9/09 @ 5 Wks 2 Days
    1/25/10 - RPL results everything normal but have low Progesterone
    BFP on 06/09/10 - EDD 02/20/2011
  • Glad to hear everything is going so well! Enjoy!
  • Glad everything is great! Definitely take advantage of your alone time with your hubby; after all these are your last weeks as a family of 2! Enjoy!
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers image
    BFP #3: 01/28/12, EDD: 09/23/12, MMC (BO), D&C 2/16/12 at 6.5 wks
    BFP #4: 05/23/12, EDD: 01/31/12, Early MC at 5 wks

    RPL Workup: + LPD (7DPO Prog = 7.8, Endometrial Bx = out of phase)
    Elevated Alpha 2-glycoprotein IgA and antiphosphatidylserine IgM -->
    Hematologist said not to worry and no need for treatment!

    Dx: LPD
    Cycle #1(08/2012): Clomid 50 mg CD3-7, Ovidrel CD13 + Progesterone = It worked!
    BFP #5 on 09/10/12 (11 DPO). HCG #1 @ 14DPO = 131.6 HCG #2 @ 16DPO = 509
    EDD: 05/23/2013 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • Great update! Glad to hear you are spending tons of time with hubby and enjoying quality time together.
  • how exciting!

    Photo courtesy of
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    It's Beshert
  • imagechachita07:

    Glad to hear all is going perfectly!  Enjoy the last few wks of couplehood... before parenthood.  : )  

    Love this saying! 

    Good luck for the last few weeks, and enjoy all these quiet moments.

    Ditto!  You said it perfectly! 

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