
Poll: Which would you choose?

Which IUD would you choose?  (please answer whether you have any experience with this or not, feel free to comment below if you DO have some experience with it!)

Re: Poll: Which would you choose?

  • I've had my mirena for 1.5 years.  I had it put in about 2 months after the birth of second baby.  I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!  I have not gained weight and I don't have acne.  I also have not a period in over a year.  I have zero complaints and plan on keeping it as long as I can.  (you have to replace it every 5 yrs.)

    I do know several people that hated it and had to remove it.  So I think each person is different.  But I'm loving it.

  • I chose the Mirena and have been very happy with it.  For the first 3 or 4 months I had no period.  After that it came back and has been like clockwork every 28 days, but is so light it's barely there.  No weight gain at all.  No acne.  Good luck deciding.
    Susie, mom to DS 4/10/07 and DD 3/6/09 (MC 9/05, 2/06) Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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  • I have paraguard (copper IUD) and have been very happy with it.  I got it just about a year ago and haven't had any issues.  My period is not noticeably heavier than it was before, although it spots a day or two longer at the end than it did.  I love that I don't have hormones screwing with my system (I had an adverse reaction to the pill after being on it for 7 years and am no longer allowed hormonal bc at all).  I also love not having to think about bc for a second.  I highly recommend it, especially since it's good for 10 years instead of the 5 mirena is good for.
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  • I have a Paraguard (copper) IUD. I wanted to be completely hormone-free and so far it's been great. I haven't had a period yet, so I can't speak to that aspect, but I expect it to be a bit heavier for the first few months, then back to normal. I love that it lasts 10 years, so I'll be 45 (and hopefully out of childbearing years) when it's time to remove it. GL!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic March 2006 * January 2008 * April 2010
  • paraguard here.  needed hormone free. was recommended I avoid hormone based bc...hx of pree x 2. once severe.  love that it lasts 10 years.  first few periods were crampier, a little heavier... it has tapered.  my periods are actually lighter than they were prior.  I've had it a month shy of 2 years now.  no complaints.  
  • I have had my Mirena for almost 4.5yrs.  I have never had an issue with it.  With that said it expires next June and I will replace it with a Copper IUD because I would like to be hormone free.  I think it is really messing with my body.  I just havent felt "right" since I had K&K.  I never really put much thought into it being the hormones in the IUD until my sister brought it up.  Im also not sure if its because when the girls were 11 months old my brother was killed and I have been struggling with that.  Add on stress from day to day life and financial strain I dont know if the hormones in my IUD make a difference.  So, just to see Im going to switch and try the copper one.   


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