We aren't finding out boy or girl but I have a question about our boy name so far. Joseph is my Dad and both my Grandpas and Walker is DH's Grandpa that just passed. It's either:
Walker Joseph Howard (nn don't know) or
Joseph Walker Howard (nn: Joey or JW.)
Can anyone think of how he'd be made fun of with Walker? or do you like either or not? These aren't for sure but we'd like to honor the fam. TIA
Re: Walker- boy name ?
with occupational names so popular now and walker in the top 500, there shouldn't be a problem. i doubt kids are going to know who walker, texas ranger is and even so that's not really that embarrassing.
i would not go with joseph walker because it would make it J. Walker [jaywalker]. it's not a big deal but it sounds funny and you never know which name he'll want to use.
oh and great choice on being team green- it's been really fun for us, even with a monthly ultrasound for the past 5 months. just make sure you always remind any ultrasound tech or doctor that you don't want to know because i know people who have accidentally been told. even though most people we know think it's stupid that we're waiting to find out, i'm sure it will be a great surprise in the moment [and i don't usually like surprises].
Yeah, that's what I thought too...But I wanted a "different" name. We might just have to go with Joseph....or something else completely. Thanks for your input
Jaywalker made me laugh...good point too....that may be a worse nn than Walker Texas Ranger...if they even know who that is in 5-10 years. And I also don't like surprises but this is the one true surprise I have always wanted. I am constantly reminding the Dr. not to spill the beans! thanks
Yep I agree with this.
Yep I agree with this.
How could he be made fun of with Walker? I'd say in reference to the last president who had a reputation for not being very smart. I realize it depends upon your politics whether this would bother you or not.
I like Joseph as a fn.