I'm sick of you saying from pregnancy time until now that your life is "over" and that you need to go out becuz you wont be able to once A arrives, and now that A is here you still manage to make me feel guilty and that you need 'man' time.
And then you say last night that you need to go bowling becuz you need a 'break'. and then you come home from work today becuz you dont feel well (we ALL dont feel well) so that you can take a nap, and then go back to work. LMFAO when do I get my nap??
I'm sick of you acting like YOUR life is the ONLY life affected by having a baby. On my days off, you go bowling. When do I get ladies night? Oh wait that's never.
Re: Dear DH
Dear DH,
Stop insisting I apply for jobs places until you are SURE that everything on your end is going to go through. If you haven't noticed, the hiring process works much faster in my field than yours, and no, I don't see it as a good thing that I got a job offer that I'll probably have to turn down - I see it as burning bridges by appearing flaky with one of few job potentials in my field in a city that I will probably be moving to. And please, do everything in your power by Tuesday to see where you stand with relocation - I cannot put off my decision any longer than that.
Dear DH:
Considering I used my morning off of work to do housework and work on the baby's room, it's probably not a good idea for you to come in and complain. Asking why the desk had to come out of Kari's room "so soon" was not a good move either. I moved it out of the room ON MY OWN and into the living room. Unfortunately, not having a desk didn't stop you from coming home from work, getting online, and looking at lawn mowers. Nor could you be pried away from the floor and computer to help YOUR PREGNANT WIFE move said desk outside to the building. Instead, you continued to talk on the phone about stupid lawn mowers. Then, upon asking what I was doing, you seemed surprised that I was moving stuff outside, and fussed about me doing it. Hmm. Stop being stupid and lazy, and learn to help out. That's all I ask.
Your Royally Pissed Wife