I know in a lot of ways it will just get harder, but I need a light at the end of the tunnel. #2 spends 1/2 the night in our bed keeping me awake so I'm exhasted and I have limited patience to begin with. #1 is just starting her terrible two phase and freaks out over everything. I can't put #2 down at all. He tolerates the swing or his activity mat for a couple of minutes, but then starts screaming. My back hurts all the time from lugging both of them up and down the stairs. I feel like I'm failing in everything. #1 watches way too much tv and doesn't eat enough veggies. My house is gross. My dogs are neglected. I should be working with #2 to get him to sleep in his bassinet, but I feel like I've given up by bringing him to bed with me and letting him nap on my lap or in the swing.
I know it will get better, I do. Today is just a "dark day" and I'm seeing more of the negative then the positive. Thanks for reading!
Re: When does it get easier? (pure vent inside)
For me it was when the baby started STTN.
Like you said - you're exhausted. Everything seems so much harder when you're sleep deprived.
Hang in there Mamma. Once you can string together some better ZZZZ's things will seem much more manageable. Until then just pat yourself on the back for getting up every day and taking care of them. These are the trenches and I promise it does get easier!!! For now just focus on surviving. Thriving will come later.
And I know it's a long way off for you but right now for us things are down right EASY (ages 4 and 2).
We're having a blast.
Once yours start interacting and playing with each other your whole world will change for the better!
It's coming!
Hang in there.
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
I promise none of this matters. Really. You are in survival mode and that's what you need to do. One day at a time. Believe me, i've been there...i'm still having dark days(especially when DH works late). Given up? Nope-#1 still comes in our bed halfway through the night...if that's how we sleep, whatever. I had to throw most of my parenting "rules" out the window when i had 2-even when i had 1
Howley is right-when they start interating it will be a huge difference. And yes, STTN helps.
The most important thing is to just hang in there. You are already ahead of the game because you know it will get better. I really hope you have a supportive DH...get him to take them for a while each day/week/whatever so you can just walk away and breathe.
Like the other girls said, once you are getting some sleep things will get better. And I know it got easier for me once #2 could entertain himself for short periods of time. (Up until 4 months #2 needed to be held 24/7, even me trying to pee caused a full meltdown. And trying to hold him all day and care for a toddler was not easy!!)
Dont worry about your house being a mess (for the first few months my laundry never even made it upstairs, let alone get put away. Mopping, dusting, vacuuming...what was that?!?!), unless you are a super hero your child will watch more TV than you wanted (or expected). Just wake up each day and do what you need to do to get through each day. You are still in survival mode. But each day will get a little better than the last, and soon enough you will have way more good days than bad.
Now that mine are 1 and 2, I find it a breeze compared to before! I actually told my DH the other day, "This is actually easy now." (Of course that is all relative...as easy as 2u2 can be!) DH was traveling for work all week this week and I didnt even think twice about it. We made it through and I wasnt even sitting on the doorstep waiting for him to get home. )
You will get there, it takes time. But you are doing a great job Momma!! And it will all come together soon.
This. For me it was close to a year, but others have better luck in the sleep department.
Big hugs!
Thank you all so much! It's really comforting to know that things will get better, even if you were all lying through your teeth (j/k). Today was just one of those days. NOthing to do but hope that it gets better tomorrow.
THanks again!
Agreed. Everything seems better when you're sleeping at night. I felt exactly like you with DS#1 watching TV (he never watched it before I got pregnant), messy house, dog ignored, etc. But it really does get better. It is so sweet when they interact and all the sleepless nights will be worth it. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Do you have a baby carrier? DD just started being okay with being put down, but until now, I have been wearing her basically all day.
I ate on paper plates and ordered out on the days that I felt overwhelmed. Does #2 sleep while he's in bed with you? If he does, I think it fine that he's in your bed for now.
You. will. make. it.
The day Briggs turned 3 months he got better. He was colcky and has reflux....so it was a nightmare. Now that I have a schedule and know what i am doing during the day...its so much easier. In fact its almost easier when DH ISNT here lol
sleep...i still dont get much, so i give all my credit to having a scheedule down.