I've had a bad headache since last night. I didn't take anything for it until this afternoon when I finally found the Tylenol I knew I had just bought. It hadsn't touched my headache. When DH came home from work I immediately went to bed for a few hours and when I woke up it was still there. God it's just pounding!!! I finally decided I better call the doc to make sure my dosage on the Tylenol was ok and see what she says. I got the on call doc who is calling in a script and DH is on the way to the pharmacy to pick it up right now. I hope it works!
Doc said if I still have the headache tomorrow to call them and I might have to go in. I really hope this helps the pain. And I sure don't want to have to have an early visit in L&D.
Re: PG headache
I'm getting a ton of headaches too....I've only had one like the one you're describing.
Have you by chance taken your blood pressure? I find my headaches come about when my blood pressure is on the higher side. (I realize right now the last thing you want to do is run out and take your BP.) But, if you keep getting them, see if you can stop at a drug store at the onset and use one of those free BP machines.)
I hope you feel better soon!
Katy and Brett ~ Runaway Bay, Jamaica ~ October 4, 2008
This! I had terrible headaches in my 2nd trimester and the only thing that helped was caffeine.