
Advice: starting formula after BF for 4 months

So..I'm running low on my expressed milk.  And now thinking of giving my son (former 25 weeker) formula for all of his feeding.  I'm a little scared and apprehensive about it.  I just don't know if his stomach can take it...i just to what him to have any problems you know.

Anyways, I was thinking maybe to give formula (neosure) every other feeding and see how he does with that before I start doing all formula feeds.  what do you guys think?? 

Re: Advice: starting formula after BF for 4 months

  • We had to switch from exclusive breast milk to all Neosure and I switched over the course of a few weeks. I just gradually added more and more formula to his bottle of breast milk. Aiden did great! No problems and he started sleeping longer hours! I hope your LO will be the same!
    A small start at 2lb 9oz, 60 day NICU stay, and 6 months of O2 My 30 weeker is growing up! <a href="
  • My pedi also recommended mixing BM and neosure. My LO tolerated it really well until the AR got bad. We went back to all BM and started meds. Now I'm thinking about trying to add the formula back in. My supply isn't great and the freezer milk is about gone.
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  • My supply tanked pretty badly right around 4 months and DD stopped gaining weight. I BF and supplemented as long as I could, but within a few weeks, I got sick and that wiped me out completely. DD did MUCH better on the high-cal formula. She did have reflux, but once we got her on the right meds, she did fine, even with the formula.
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  • when you say add formula to the bottle of BM..what do you mean.  I'm thinking you add powder formula into the BM.  One scoop to how much BM.  Or do you mix the powder formula with water then add to BM.  Just need some clarification.
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