
Structural u/s today and...

we are having a little boy and a little girl!  Yay!

 They also found a choroid plexus inhomogeniety (not quite a cyst) on our little girl.  There were no other markers and our 1st tri screening was completely normal so my OB wasn't worried at all.  She actually felt bad telling me b/c she knows I will worry, which I am...  I do feel a little better now after looking everything up on the internet, so that is good.

Anyone else have this found on an u/s? 

Nothing to see here....

Re: Structural u/s today and...

  • I'm sure everything will be fine Sarah, but it's in a mother's nature to worry:P

    Congratulations, a boy and a girl is awesome!

    Ella- 8/22/08, Jules and Tuck- 12/15/10
  • We didn't have that issue, but around 24 weeks or so, the u/s showed an enlarged kidney on our son - I of course freaked out, but the dr. wasn't worried and said that they usually resolve on their own.  By our next u/s at 26w5d at the high risk OB, the kidney was normal, and E is completely healthy.  I agree that if your doctor isn't worried, then try not to worry either.

    Congrats on a boy and a girl - we are having SO much fun with ours!!

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  • Congrats on one of each!  I am sure all will be fine with DD!
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