North Dakota Babies


Now that K  is 6 months old, can she sleep with a blanket?  My house gets ridiculously cold in the winter.  Even in fuzzy jammies and a sleep sack I don't think she will be warm enough.

It isn't even that cold yet and when I went to get K from bed this morning she was a bit cold.  I had her in jammies and socks.  Tonight I will put her in a sleepsack too.

I am thinking come October we will have to start having fires and turning the heater on.  Boo.

Re: Blankets

  • I let G sleep with a blanket and we have never had any problems, so I do not see why not....But G is use to it, she has been using it since 3 months old....
  • She is strong and coordinated enough to push it off her face if she needs to, so I would think it would be fine.
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  • It really is best to wait at least a full year to allow any loose blankets.  Although the risk of SIDS goes down at 6 months, it is definitely still there.  It just takes once.  Not there's the issue of her kicking it off during the night, whereas a sleepsack will actually stay on.  We dressed LO in a fleece Halo sleepsack with a footed sleeper and long sleeve onsie during the colder months.  Sleepsacks are pretty easy to add layers under, at least the Halo ones certainly are. 
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