
No Teen Mom posts????

OMG I wanted to reach through that screen and scream at Amber like she screams at everyone. No kidding your daughter is crying all the time. You keep putting her down. And would you please let your friend/cousin (whatev) talk if you invite her over to talk? Amber needs counseling. She's so rude to Gary and blames him for everything that goes wrong in her life.

Farrah . . . immaturity shows when she blames her dad's car troubles on her family. No one intentionally breaks down or blows a hose. It just happens. That's life.

I like Maci's hair up.

Re: No Teen Mom posts????

  • I DVR'd it, so I'll be watching it later today, but it sounds like a good episode.
  • I was angry at the show last night, too. I can't believe that Amber would behave that way knowing she's being filmed. Poor Leah is caught in the middle of this. I particularly hated hearing her tell Leah that Daddy left HER (Leah) again, while Leah cried. No, you kicked him out again, and she should never put her baby in that position or say those things. I can't even continue to think about her b/c she frustrates me so bad. The same goes for Farrah. I know the show doesn't show everything that happens, but she comes off as the most spoiled, whiny, immature brat. She reminds me of those teenagers that KNOW EVERYTHING and won't listen to anyone. I loved it when she got scammed b/c it showed her how stupid she was. Plus, she and her mother have the most annoying  voices on TV.  The freaking woman is offering you a house across the street w/ free babysitting across the street, and you're going to "set the boundaries". When you need help, you can't be too demanding! Geez....even Maci's immaturity was showing and I thought she was the one who had it together. Moving to Nashville just to be closer to her boyfriend (which is the whole reason whether she says it or not) when you have shared  custody and familial support is ridiculous. She's willing to make her and Bentley's lives difficult so she can see a boy? I would understand if she had a bad living situation at home with no opportunities, but the girl has everything at her feet, and now she's going to have to work her butt off, put her kid in daycare all the time so she can work and go to school, just to pay the bills...dumb, just dumb. As for Catelynn, I know people like her mother; I'm related to people like her mother, but I would be so embarrassed to have that aired on TV. I hope she gets out of there as soon as she graduates. It's just a bad situation all around.
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  • I wanted to slap Amber soooo hard!!  She seriously pisses me off!  I feel soooo bad for that baby.  Next week her and Gary are back together and kicks him out again!  Farrah drives me crazy too!  As for Maci she is definitely moving for Kyle.  
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