Who has done it? Were you able to do it from the beginning or how long did you have to wait until they were big enough to tandem nurse? I nursed DS for 14 months so at least I know what I'm doing, but with two it will be a whole new ball game!
I tandem nursed from the start. The boys are 8 months and we're still doing it. Early on it is hard to get them positioned, but I can't image doing it any other way. The boys nursed for like 45 minutes at a time so if I hadn't tandem nursed I would have been nursing constantly (felt like I was nursing constantly anyway). The key is to have lots of blankets around to prop their heads up and to get a twin nursing pillow. I have the EZ2 Nurse, which works great.
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Yay! I'm glad to hear your success! My SIL had twins in May and she has the EZ2 nurse pillow, she said I could have it! Also, do you always put the baby on the same side or do you alternate? I probably should do some reading on the topic! Thanks!!!
I've done it from day 5 when I realized it was necessary for my sanity. It never really was an issue for me to get them positioned. Like PP said, have lots of blankets to stick under their heads. I use burp cloths/cloth diapers and also have the ez2nurse pillow. I do switch sides every feeding.
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Yay! I'm glad to hear your success! My SIL had twins in May and she has the EZ2 nurse pillow, she said I could have it! Also, do you always put the baby on the same side or do you alternate? I probably should do some reading on the topic! Thanks!!!
I liked the book Mothering Multiples for tips on tandem nursing and dealing with multiples in general. I think there's also a website and facebook page based on the book.
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I tandem nursed from the start. The boys are 8 months and we're still doing it. Early on it is hard to get them positioned, but I can't image doing it any other way. The boys nursed for like 45 minutes at a time so if I hadn't tandem nursed I would have been nursing constantly (felt like I was nursing constantly anyway). The key is to have lots of blankets around to prop their heads up and to get a twin nursing pillow. I have the EZ2 Nurse, which works great.
This is us too, although I'm thinking about weaning soon. Either way, we're still going strong after getting a good start in the hospital. I alternate sides every feeding.
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I've done it from day 1. I nurse individually once or twice a day depending on if they need a little one on one time, or if one is so sound asleep at night that I can't bear waking her up.
At the hospital I used 2 regular pillows on each side with the double football hold, using receiving blankets to prop up their heads. At home, I use the EZ to Nurse pillow, with folded up burp cloths under their heads. Works great, and I can't imagine the time it would take to feed them separately every time.
I started tandem feeding in the hospital when they were born. I had to stop when they were about 6 weeks and start feeding them individually. I had tissue damage from BFing and pumping and had to really control the latch or else I would be in pain. I was able to resume tandem feeding once the breasts healed a bit. I have the EZ2 Nurse pillow and used it when they were small. Now I just plop them both on a boppy.
I assign a baby a breast for the day and then alternate...e.g. Baby A on right breast today and then on left breast tomorrow. Definitely read Mothering Multiples. Its a great resource! GL!!
Thanks ladies! That makes me feel good. I had heard that it was too hard to tandem nurse in the beginning because they are too small. It just seems like it makes the most sense though! I will have that EZ2 nurse pillow for sure and lots of blankets and burp clothes! I'll have to look for that book, sounds interesting. Thanks again!
My girls latched within a few hours after birth and I had the EZ 2 Nurse pillow. It made life so easy, unfortantely after 2 weeks I was not making enough milk for them and was nursing for over and hour and then having to supplement, so I began strictly pumping and then weaned
I tried tandem feeding from Day 1 in the hospital, but it didn't work for the girls that early on. So instead, I nursed them 50% of the time (more or less) in the "football" hold so that they were used to nursing that way. I'd say I tried tandem about once a day until Week 5 when they finally got the hang of it. By Week 6 they were champs.
That being said.......Weeks 1-5 I was ready to give up on breastfeeding every time they nursed! My girls both would nurse for 30 or 45 minutes each and to not be tandem feeding was EXHAUSTING. I also had to supplement with formula then, which meant also giving them a bottle after all that nursing, (and I still supplement with a little formula now), but I am soooo happy I pushed through. Once we started tandem feeding my whole world changed. And now, we have so many sweet moments when I nurse them that I do not get when I bottle feed them their formula supplement. I would have missed out on this!
Re: Tandem Nursing?
I tandem nursed from the start. The boys are 8 months and we're still doing it. Early on it is hard to get them positioned, but I can't image doing it any other way. The boys nursed for like 45 minutes at a time so if I hadn't tandem nursed I would have been nursing constantly (felt like I was nursing constantly anyway). The key is to have lots of blankets around to prop their heads up and to get a twin nursing pillow. I have the EZ2 Nurse, which works great.
I liked the book Mothering Multiples for tips on tandem nursing and dealing with multiples in general. I think there's also a website and facebook page based on the book.
This is us too, although I'm thinking about weaning soon. Either way, we're still going strong after getting a good start in the hospital. I alternate sides every feeding.
I've done it from day 1. I nurse individually once or twice a day depending on if they need a little one on one time, or if one is so sound asleep at night that I can't bear waking her up.
At the hospital I used 2 regular pillows on each side with the double football hold, using receiving blankets to prop up their heads. At home, I use the EZ to Nurse pillow, with folded up burp cloths under their heads. Works great, and I can't imagine the time it would take to feed them separately every time.
I started tandem feeding in the hospital when they were born. I had to stop when they were about 6 weeks and start feeding them individually. I had tissue damage from BFing and pumping and had to really control the latch or else I would be in pain. I was able to resume tandem feeding once the breasts healed a bit. I have the EZ2 Nurse pillow and used it when they were small. Now I just plop them both on a boppy.
I assign a baby a breast for the day and then alternate...e.g. Baby A on right breast today and then on left breast tomorrow. Definitely read Mothering Multiples. Its a great resource! GL!!
I tried tandem feeding from Day 1 in the hospital, but it didn't work for the girls that early on. So instead, I nursed them 50% of the time (more or less) in the "football" hold so that they were used to nursing that way. I'd say I tried tandem about once a day until Week 5 when they finally got the hang of it. By Week 6 they were champs.
That being said.......Weeks 1-5 I was ready to give up on breastfeeding every time they nursed! My girls both would nurse for 30 or 45 minutes each and to not be tandem feeding was EXHAUSTING. I also had to supplement with formula then, which meant also giving them a bottle after all that nursing, (and I still supplement with a little formula now), but I am soooo happy I pushed through. Once we started tandem feeding my whole world changed. And now, we have so many sweet moments when I nurse them that I do not get when I bottle feed them their formula supplement. I would have missed out on this!