Baby Names


Don't DD. It's rude and inconsiderate to those of us who took time to nicely respond to your posts. I was in the middle of posting an update to you.


TayLeigh and Hagen, as your future children.

Stragebird may have been "rude" in your opinion but you have to understand she was merely giving you the very feedback that your children will be given throughout their lives. 

You want your DD to submit a law school application with the name TayLeigh? Really? Think about this.

I gave you 2 suggestions. Did you not like them?

You can be "uncommon" and "different" without going totally off the wall BSC about it. 

Now. Repeat after me. Do not DD again. 

Re: Ashley111

  • imagePunkyBooster:

    Don't DD. It's rude and inconsiderate to those of us who took time to nicely respond to your posts. I was in the middle of posting an update to you.


    TayLeigh and Hagen, as your future children.

    Stragebird may have been "rude" in your opinion but you have to understand she was merely giving you the very feedback that your children will be given throughout their lives. 

    You want your DD to submit a law school application with the name TayLeigh? Really? Think about this.

    I gave you 2 suggestions. Did you not like them?

    You can be "uncommon" and "different" without going totally off the wall BSC about it. 

    Now. Repeat after me. Do not DD again. 

    I second this motion.  I was in the middle of a very polite response (even though it was to tell you that I do not like TayLeigh), and got an error when I hit post.

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  • I agree, I was just about to post too... and I was only suggesting, that you  use Taylor Leigh and the NN being TayLeigh

    DD'ing is rude.

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  • Sorry for being a newbie.....but what's DD?
  • imageteamlangston:
    Sorry for being a newbie.....but what's DD?

    Dirty Delete(r).

    It's fine to DD if you warn people about it. For instance, I often delete my name posts but I say, "I will delete all or a portion of this (generally my last name) when it hits the second page. That way, the thread has died down and people lose interest before I just up and get rid of it. 

  • Oh, dear, look at the latest response in my thread! LMAO.
  • imagestrangebird:
    Oh, dear, look at the latest response in my thread! LMAO.

    It is pretty awesome. I wondered for a second if she was actually Ashley as an AE. I don't think so now but I wouldn't be surprised.

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    I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017

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  • well im not this ashley whoever... But I wish she would stick up for herself...

     My name is Jordan... Thanks

    I dont like the names either.. I think they are terrible.. But of she likes them then WHY NOT??

    Thats all my problem is..

  • imageitchy&scratchy:

    well im not this ashley whoever... But I wish she would stick up for herself...

     My name is Jordan... Thanks

    I dont like the names either.. I think they are terrible.. But of she likes them then WHY NOT??

    Thats all my problem is..

    Uhhhh huh.

    Hi, Ashley. 


  • imageitchy&scratchy:

    well im not this ashley whoever... But I wish she would stick up for herself...

     My name is Jordan... Thanks

    I dont like the names either.. I think they are terrible.. But of she likes them then WHY NOT??

    Thats all my problem is..

    She asked for opinions. She even said they were unique and asked that we aren't too harsh. She KNEW she would get less than complimentary responses.  Its her own fault she is naming her children terrible, atrocious names and knows it.


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    I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017

    Meimsx no more
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