but apparently I've got something called antithrombin activity.
What this means, I have no idea. The dr is going to call the RE's office (the practice is out of Atlanta and they come down once a month so the gyn is basically a middle man doing all the stuff that doesn't 'need' an RE's direct supervision, i.e. this bloodwork), see what they say and depending on that he'll send me over to the hematologist or not.
But apparently the treatment only involves baby aspirin. I can totally deal with that.
Re: Well I don't have factor v
Nothing breeds faster than Crazy
IVF with ICSI #1: BFP
TESE for DH 08/09/09
ER 08/09/09; ET 08/14/09; Beta #1 08/23/09: 150; Beta #2 08/25/09: 267
TTC #2: FET #1: BFP
ET 06/16/11; Beta #1 06/25/11: 282; Beta #2 06/27/11: 777
First u/s: Twins! Baby A stopped growing @ 9 weeks, forever in our hearts
TTC #3: FET #2: c/p lost at 4 weeks
TTC #1 - May 2010 - IUI #3: BFP
TTC #2 - May 2012 -IUI #2: BFP
TTC #2, Operative hysteroscopy March 2011; IVF #1 long lupron protocol April 2011-cancelled due to poor response; IVF #2 flare protocol May 2011=hospitalization due to abdominal hemorrhage during ER and no fert due to MFI issues. Moving onto international adoption from Moldova January 2013!
TTC #1 Off of HBC December 09 Dx PCOS, no ovulation, HSG + SIS normal 9/4: 100 mg clomid + ovidrel trigger: BFN 10/15: Gonal-f (75 IU, 112.5 IU, 150 IU) + ovidrel trigger + IUI: BFN 11/15: Gonal-f (112.5 IU) + ovidrel trigger + IUI: BFN 12/17: Gonal-f (112.5 IU, 150 IU): cycle canceled due to no response IVF #1: 1/18 start BCP, 2/1 start Lupron, 2/10 start stimming, 2/20 ER, 2/15 ET, 3/6 beta 1: 216, 3/8 beta 2: 420 *saifw*
That's great that the predicted treatment would be aspirin. I would think if they feel it needs a stronger blood thinner you would have to do lovenox or heparin shots too.