
C-section and a cold?

Hi ladies,

 I'm wondering if anyone here has insight or experience.  I'm 10 days out from my scheduled c-section and I've come down with a cold. 

I know there isn't much I can do for it, except tylenol & rest.  Is this something I should call my MFM about?  Is it something I should worry about?  Any idea if it would affect the surgery and my ability to be near my babies if I'm sick?

 I know I may be worrying over nothing, but at this point, I'm worrying about EVERYTHING!

Thanks so much!

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Re: C-section and a cold?

  • Not sure - but I would call!

    Feel better~

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  • I was at the end of a cold when I had my c. I developed pre-e so I didn't make it to my scheduled date. There wasn't any talk about the babies being with me while I was getting over the cold but it really wasn't discussed either! Sooo many other things were going on. My babies also made it to 37wks 1d and were perfectly healthy so maybe that's a reason why it wasn't a big deal. Coughing after the c was TERRIBLE though so rest up :) I was OKed to take regular Sudafed and cough syrup while PG. Call the Dr. and good luck!
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  • Don't worry about being around your babies, they're inside of you right now and exposed to it, they'll be immune from the antibodies that your body's producing right now.  As far as the actual surgery, I would call just to inform them.
  • No idea about the surgery. I would call your OB. I got sick after my c-section. I wasn't allowed to see the twins until I was 24 hours without a cold because they were in the NICU. I didn't get to see them for 5 days.
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  • Thanks so much for the feedback!  I called my MFM, and she isn't concerned.  The cold should be over by the time the boys are scheduled to arrive.  She okayed Mucinex DM and lozenges.  I'm to call back if I get a fever, but that is unlikely with a head cold.  I'll just be sucking it up with lots of fluids and continued couch/bed time.  I can't believe I made it all the way through my pregnancy without getting sick, and then get hit with something the week before my c-section.
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