Eli has started waking up 1-2 x/night over the last month. It started about the same time he was switched to whole milk. They get their last bottle about 8:30, then bed at 9 and both were sleeping til 7 before this episode.
Last night he had 8 oz at 8:30, woke up at midnight and had 6 oz, and again at 4 had 6 oz. That's like 20 oz in 10ish hours.
If it really is hunger, I need to figure out something else - use a toddler formula that may sit heavier than the milk...maybe oatmeal or something before bed?
I didn't think much about it when it started and just let it keep happening, so I think my opinion is that it's habit now. He eats 3 meals fairly well, and has about 28 oz of milk during the day.
After reading some of Josey's posts, I wonder if maybe there is a Lactose issue....maybe he's not digesting it well that keeps him satisfied? He was on Target's milk-based formula, if that matters.
Thanks for any ideas/suggestions.
Re: This is habit, not hunger, right? (re:sleeping)
I dont have any advice but I would like to offer you 4 5 dollar off coupons for Enfagrow. They were sent to me and I do not have babies or toddlers anymore.
I can send them to you if that is something you are thinking of trying. They expire sept. 30.
What does he do when he wakes up? Does he get mad and scream until you give him the bottle?
I thought for the longest time that Cohen was waking up in the night hungry, and I'd give him a bottle, which would make him fall back asleep, but then he'd wake up shortly after again.
In hindsight, I think he was mistaking his tummy ache for hunger, which is why he'd take the bottle, but he'd be up in less than two hours again doing the same thing. He'd scream, and the only thing that would make him stop was giving him a bottle. I kept thinking, "Is he still really hungry?" And the cycle would just repeat.
Cohen has also been on the Target formula (blue can) since about 6-ish months.
Oh, and I also agree that he could really just be hungry. I remember Rory doing that at this age. I started giving her a decent snack shortly before bed and that really helped.
I was just giving my experience with Cohen because you mentioned the Lactose issue, and in his case, I really think that was what was going on with him. Since we eliminated dairy, he has slept through the night every night. Granted, it hasn't been long, but...
Thanks, but I have 6 of those that I keep meaning to post on here as well!
I do appreciate the offer, though!
Thanks, but I have 6 of those that I keep meaning to post on here as well!
I do appreciate the offer, though!
YES! to all of it. He's screaming bloody murder til I go get him and shove the bottle in his mouth, then he's out again as soon as it's done. Sometimes he's up just 1/2 hour after he was just up and ate. Sometimes I'll just stick him in bed with us, and sometimes he'll go back to sleep without milk, sometimes he keeps screaming.
About 4-5 days ago he was so tired, he only about about 2 oz of his 8:30 bottle and slept all night.
So what did you do? did you switch to a soy or what? Maybe I could try him on soy and see what happens? Maybe tonight I'll try that Enfagrow (we have a freebie can) and see.
I haven't tried the snack before bed. We generally eat at 7:30....or even a little later in the summer months....so I didn't really think of that til last night talking with H.
He'll kill some yogurt, so I'll do that tonight right before I put him down.