Who's gotten one? My doctor is tellling me I need to get one for comparison reasons (for when I am older I guess). I'm not 40 yet. I need to see if this is covered by my insurance (something about being 40 rings a bell with when coverage kicks in for those), but I am honestly freaked out about getting one.
So, have you had one? Is it awful? How long does it last? What's the worst part about it? What happens that people don't tell you? Give it to me straight.
Re: NPR: Can we talk mammograms?
honestly unless you have a family history of breast cancer I dont think you need one before 40.
They arent as bad as they used to be since they are now digital and dont need to press down so hard. The whole thing took about 5-10 minutes. The only bad thing I could say about it is that they sometimes put you in awkward positions. I'm not exactly as flexible as I used to be lol.
My dr. recommends a baseline one at age 35 and then at 40.
I have had one because I had a cyst. It was uncomfortable, not gonna lie, but overall not too bad. I took motrin beforehand.Oh and you can't wear deodorant or lotion beforehand either.
Haha- I opened this thread bc I thought you wanted to talk monograms...
Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07