I was wondering if those with twins use/used a larger diaper bag or if it's ok to use a normal size bag. Personally, I don't like a lot of the diaper bags that I see. I tend to like the ones that look more like a purse, but I'm not sure if these are large enough. WDYT?
Re: Another diaper bag question
even with one baby i always liked a large bag... but some people don't- and that's fine.... but if you have kids different sizes, need 2 sets of diapers, 2 sets of extra clothes plus a lot of wipes, food, etc - chances are you will need a pretty big bag.
I am with you on the "purse" style diaper bag. I did carry a lot of stuff with DS so I am imagining carrying a lot of stuff this time around too. Here is the one I got though and I cannot speak about whether it is large enough for me or not because I haven't had the babies yet. It came in a couple of weeks ago though and it is SOOOOO CUTE! Really excited to use it.
I used a normal sized bag, still do, its the Skip Hop Messenger. When they were little I carried 4 diapers, the travel case of wipes, 2 onesies, sometimes 4 bottles, BM, and the formula dispenser and had no problem. I did upgrade to a Coach diaper bag and its nice to have when we were out longer and needed some more room. But the day to day errands, the regular sized bags worked great for us.
Thanks! That is REALLY cute! I love it!! It is actually bigger than some of the other "purse-like" diaper bags that I've seen, but that is good.