Two Under 2


Going to a baby sale today and am hoping I can score a double stroller.  Anyone know of any that definitely fit a Chicco carseat?  I really don't want to buy one only to find out I can't use it w/ the carseat we already have!!!


  • Bring your car seat and try it out!
  • that is actually a good idea that I wish I thought of earlier!  It's somewhere in my attic and DH isn't home ugh.

    In reading online it doesn't seem like I have many options that fit the Chicco.  SO, I guess if I seem something dirt cheap that I can use when #2 can sit upright w/ no carseat I will buy it.  Otherwise, I'll go back to my original plan of trying to carry baby#2 for awhile when I am by myself and DS can sit in the stroller.

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  • I have the chicco infant seat and besides the Chicco double stroller, it seems only really expensive strollers work with this seat.  The bumble ride indie, baby jogger's most expensive model (can't remember the name) and Valcaro. 

    I tested the Chicco double and hated it- felt like I was steering a bus.  I fell in love with the baby jogger city mini double and ended up finding a great deal on one, so I got it.  for $100, I can but the chicco seat adapter, but I haven't heard great things about it.  The BJ CM  fully reclines, so with an infant pillow, this LO should fit nicely.  I weighed short term vs long term and know the BJ city mini will last us forever and is well worth it!

     Good luck!!

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