Two Under 2

Traveling question....with 3 month old and 21 month old

Next May my little sister will be graduating high school.  I live in south florida and she goes to school in virginia.  So obviously my husband and I would have to fly.  We will have a three month old and my daughter will be 21 months.  I always buy seats for my daughter to sit in, in her carseat, and I will for the new baby also.  I am just wondering if I can really do it?  Is it going to be way too much for a three month old?  My husband will be with me.....but I just don't know.  Should I take a wait and see approach depending on the new baby's personality and how my daughter is adjusting?  My  little sister understands, but I would really like to be there.  I can't leave my husband here all those days with two kids..and I have no one else that can watch them that isn't an option.  Your thoughts?
DD (8/12/09), DD (2/8/11)
BFP 12/16/14| EDD 8/19/15 |MMC 1/15/15 (9 weeks 1 day)

Re: Traveling question....with 3 month old and 21 month old

  • I wouldn't be worried about the 3 month old. I'd be more worried about an active toddler. Your newborn should be fine - it's a short flight. Now, having an active toddler aboard a plane is not so much fun. They definitely don't want to sit still for very long!


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  • I am flying to Florida (to my parents house) in a couple weeks with an almost 2 year old and 2 month old.   My DH will be with me.   I am nervous about it, and I'm sure it is going to be stressful to get through the airport, but we'll make it.  I told my mom to have a stiff drink waiting for me in Florida.

    We have a seat for DD1, and DS2 will be on our laps.   We'll have snacks, some small toys, and a DVD player for DD1.

    We decided to take this trip now  because I figured it would be a lot easier to fly now than in a year when we have 2 mobile kids.   We'll see how it works out, lol.

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  • I have flown with each of my kids as babies (DS#1 was 5 months, DS#2 was 3-4 months) on separate trips.  They did awesome.  Just take a binky to help their ears pop.  Also, unless your babies do really well in their carseats for extended periods of time, I wouldn't waste the money on a seat for the baby.  I would just use a wrap and wear baby.  It will make things SO much easier (less to haul around and keep baby snuggled up with you).  Depending on the length of your flight, baby might even sleep through it all, especially if you try and keep her up before boarding.

    I would totally do it. 

  • We will be doing it in October with a 3 1/2 mo old and a 23 month old.  I agree that the baby will be fine but the toddler will give us trouble.  It won't be easy!  We will be getting a DVD player for the plane for the toddler.


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  • Doing it with two carseats is hard.  Mine are 11 months apart and it was a LOT easier when I could wear DS and only had to schlep one carseat.

    Plus most airlines won't let you have two carseats in one row on a plane, and you can't put a carseat between another passenger and the aisle.  You would be in one row (either in the middle or in the window seat) with one kid and your DH would be in another row with the other kid.

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  • I think the newborn will be just fine. When DS1 was 3-4 months old I flew with him by myself, and that actually worked out great. I didn't take a car seat, I just wore him in his sling and he was fine. I just made sure to feed him on the take off and landing so that his ears wouldn't bother him, and he slept the whole time we were on both planes (it was a connecting flight). Like PPs have said, the toddler will be the one that you have to worry about acting up, and I doubt you would be able to all sit together if you took 2 carseats.
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  • imageHarrietNJMommy:

    I wouldn't be worried about the 3 month old. I'd be more worried about an active toddler. Your newborn should be fine - it's a short flight. Now, having an active toddler aboard a plane is not so much fun. They definitely don't want to sit still for very long!

    ding ding ding!  Big ditto there.

    I think since you have your husband along, there's really nothing to worry about.  You each handle one kid and one car seat and make it work.  I flew by myself with my 3 month old and 20 month old, it was a 3 hour flight and it was NOT fun to be alone.  But flying this summer with my husband along was no big deal.  Not fun, because flying with an active toddler just isn't fun no matter what you do, but it was totally doable. 

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  • mine are 11 months apart too... we're flying to florida from cali next week... if you wore the baby, did you wear them during take off and landing??
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  • imagecheshirekaatttt:
    if you wore the baby, did you wear them during take off and landing??

    I've usually been able to (though I believe it's an FAA regulation that you can't have a child in a sling/carrier while taking off and landing), but now and then an attendant will insist I remove the baby from the carrier to take off and land.  

    the bug & bee blog
    (read it. you know you want to.)
    anderson . september 2008
    vivian . february 2010
    mabel . august 2012
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