I can't do it anymore, ladies! I can't handle all these dreams and nightmares Im' having! It's back to back! My mind has never run this wild during my sleep. Last night was the worst one ever. Our house got broken into, and I won't get into detail, but I guess I woke my husband up screaming, "I NEED A HANDGUN!!!" WTH?
The best one was where I was at this club, and my boyfriend was a "gangsta". I was sitting on his lap, and he kept talking with his grill all shiney, but I couldn't understand him. He sounded like 50 cent. It was all slurred and mumbled together. But I just laughed and kept saying, "Oh baby! You so funny!" Uh yeah.
There's a million others inbetween.
Re: I can't handle these dreams/nightmares.
I had the strange facial hair one too! Mine was inches long coming out from between my eye brows and down my nose. It was almost comical. I've been having terrifying dreams too!
Last night was the worse, I dreamed I was with friends and ignored my husband's call. Finds out he had slipped and sliced into his arm while using a table saw and was bleeding to death in the basement and was calling me to get help. (He's currently building new cabinets for our kitchen so the table saw is quite a fixture in our life right now)
I woke up crying and attacked him sobbing and kissing him this morning. He didn't know what to think at 6am with this hysterical wife all over him.
Mine have been getting crazy too. I don't think there's any way around them, boo.
But I really need to start remembering to write them down.
I had a horrible dream where evil vampires were taking over the world and they were trying to get to me and the idiot beside me didn't close the damn door correctly and he got me, but there was a lot of blood and gore it was just disturbing!....and then I woke up crying and screaming and my husband started laughing at me...NOT FUNNY!
It almost seemed real though! Freaky!
my sister had horribly vivid baby related dreams (Like raviolis were stuffed with baby parts. She still can't eat them) - but mine are totally random and all end up really scary. I think i'm okay with non-baby dreams.
I was a vivid dreamer before pregnancy, but now that I'm sleeping more, I tend to have multiple dreams throughout the night. The disturbing ones are hard to shake.
last night I had an interesting one...
I dreamt that a nicaraguan man was pulling me by the arm to take me home with him & I started slapping him, but I couldn't reach his face. I yelled for my husband and he came running and started hitting the guy. I started screaming nonsense to the man like a mad woman and then...
I started barking at him. LOL
Maybe our dogs were barking in real life? I feel like in my dream, I wanted the guy to think I was crazy and be really turned off by it, but it made me laugh when I woke up, and I was relieved that we "won" and we fought back...
I haven't had any dreams about the baby either! My husband has though.
Now I feel like I need to go practice shooting a handgun or something after last night.
I had a dream the other week where I had a very strong, very big vodka drink and didn't remember I was pregnant until I had finished the drink. I felt guilty all next day for nothing!!!
EDD 1/31/13, MC May 17. EDD 3/31/13, MC July 26. I miss you so much already my angel loves