DS is taking 3 naps a day and luckily his longest is usually the middle one which is when DD is napping. However, he also takes one in the am and one in afternoon. I usually try to get out during his morning nap and just let him nap in the car or stroller. When i do this he only maybe naps for like 20-30 mins though and then it kind of messes up the rest of his naps. If you have 2 that are on a different nap schedule how do you get out of the house? thanks:)
Re: how do you get out of the house b/w naps?
I agree, your DD esp is gorgeous!
In your situation #2's am nap would be on the go. But then it got pretty difficult because she dropped one and wanted two longer naps - totally conflicting with #1. Some days she would go down from 11-1, DS would go down from 1-3 and she would go down from 3-4...I would literally be putting one down and getting one up at the same time. But I have since tried to manipulate them a little so that #2 sleeps from 12-2 and DS sleep from 1-3...so at least I get that hour of alone time and also get more time in the morning to go for a walk.
We go out most in the evenings with DH - after dinner. But my kids sleep from about 9:30-9:30...so there is more time with Dada after work (and more time for us to do things.
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The youngest one in my family always just has to "go with the flow". We have a busy schedule and there isn't time for me to sit at home. I have preschool dropoff/pickup, activities, etc.
My kids all adjusted to it, even though it was tough in the beginning.
We are always out in the morning! DD2 naps at playgroups, in the car, in the stroller, etc... I know I'm lucky that she's pretty easy going. Recently, on-the-go naps are getting harder because she wants to see and participate in everything!
If she's in the stroller, I put a blanket or something over the sun shade to block out stimulation. If we're at a friend's house, I always put her down... either in someone's crib, extra PnP, or I bring my own PnP. So far it's worked out great.
Though I do have to say that I'm looking forward to her dropping her morning nap and being at just 1 nap a day! That will make things much easier! She doesn't seem anywhere near ready though...DD1 was 11 months when she dropped to 1 nap.
BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08. BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
BFP 11/14
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