Baby Names

Sibling for Liliana?

My husband isn't the mood to discuss baby names yet... I guess naming number 2 isn't as exciting for him as the first baby.  When I try and discuss names with him he is like "we have time".  With baby #1 we had a name picked out by now.

I have the baby name itch so I would like some suggestions....

My favs so far are Rhys Quentin for a boy (This is not a made up spelling so those comments are not necessary.  If you like the other spelling of the name more those comments are appreciated) or

Colette Blythe for a girl.  Our last name is similar to Thimble.

 Any other name suggestions would be great!  Thanks

Re: Sibling for Liliana?

  • First let me say that I LOVE Rhys, and most people on this board are sticklers for spelling and know that this is the proper masculine way to spell it :) Colette is beautiful and underused! Here are some others I think would go well with your options:


    Quentin (I like as a fn)

  • I love both names! I believe Rhys is the masculine spelling, so there's no reason to change it.

    As far as suggestions....

    Like I said, I love both  names, but I almost prefer Quentin Rhys to Rhys Quentin. (LOVE the name Quentin).

    Colette Blythe is so pretty! I love Blythe as a underused. An alternative to Colette would be Cosette (like the Les Mis character).

    Seriously, though, I think you have two great names. It's hard for me to suggest something in the same style that I like better.

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  • I like Colette.  It's a nice name that you never hear these days.  Not 100% sold on Blythe.  I don't think it flows that well with Colette.  Some suggestions:

    Colette Olivia
    Colette Patrice
    Colette Rosalee
    Colette Harlow
    Colette Genevieve
    Colette Madeline 

    I actually do prefer the Reece spelling, but at least Rhys is an actual spelling for the name!  My preference would be to reverse the two and go with Quentin Rhys.  Rhys/Reece/Reese is so unisex these days and I actually hear it more for girls (kind of like Jordan or Peyton). 


  • I like Quentin as a fn, but I wanted something a little nickname proof because Liliana is automatically shortened by everyone to Lily.
  • I am neutral on the boy name, but I wanted to say that I really like Colette.  I also like pp's suggestion of Cosette - and I think that flows just a teensy bit better with Blythe as the mn.
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  • I like Colette, but I was also going to suggest Cosette. It seems like more of a "nice" girl name to me, whereas Colette sounds... well, I don't want to ruin the name for you. So let's just say I prefer Cosette.

    As for Blythe, I absolutely adore the name, and it makes a great middle name for most names I can think of. But I'm not sure how it would sound with your last name, IF it does start with the TH sound. If it doesn't, then I say go for it!

    I also love Liliana. As for sibling suggestions for her, based on what I can tell about your style, I have these for you:



  • My neighbor just had a baby and named her Liliah.  The older sister is name Jocelyn.  I think those names sound nice together.
  • i see cosette and i think "casette" like a tape.  just a thought.

    however, i think colette is adorable and i know a really sweet (adult) colette.  what about colette lucine?

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