Cloth Diapering

Prepping pre-folds?

So, I did this ages ago for DS and now that I need to do it again for the new baby with some new Chinese pre-folds that I bought, I can't find a consistent answer on the best way to prep the diapers. I'm not going to boil them-- I'll use my washer and dryer. But, beyond that, do I have to use detergent? Dawn? No soap? Some websites seem to say to use soap and others don't. What's the best option? TIA
Cy (04.02.2008) & June (10.05.2010) 

Re: Prepping pre-folds?

  • The store I bought mine from recommended this method. I used some regular tide detergent about a 1/4 cup and washed about a dozen prefolds in hot water. After the wash cycle was done I rinsed them another 5-6 times and then dried them. I am still waiting to test them out but they look and feel all quilty. Good luck!
    Dec '09 IVF #1 = Epic Fail Feb '10 FET #1 = Epic Success!
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  • The website I order my prefolds ( recommends this method. Wash them 5-10 times to remove oils and residues from the manufacturing process. Use detergent (I use Tide Free, just below line 1) for the first 2 washes and then no soap for the rest. Dry after every wash or every other wash. We prepped our infant sized prefolds this way and didn't have any problems.
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  • imagebmagsgirl:
    The store I bought mine from recommended this method. I used some regular tide detergent about a 1/4 cup and washed about a dozen prefolds in hot water. After the wash cycle was done I rinsed them another 5-6 times and then dried them. I am still waiting to test them out but they look and feel all quilty. Good luck!

    This! Only you yield better results if you wash, rinse several times, dry and repeat. You're going to want to go this about 3-5 times (washing, rinsing, drying) for them to quilt up nicely :)

    I bought unbleached, so I also stripped mine... It really helps with absorbency and the amount of times you have to wash :) 

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