
The first few months...

now that I am 13 months into having twins, I just want to tell all the new mothers how much EASIER things have gotten in a year. I had a rough time in the beginning dealing with two crying infants, but all that is just so worth the amazing time and all the fun we have as a family.

So for any of you new mothers going through those sleepless nights and days with fussy babies, your payback will come and it is wonderful. Twins are an incredible blessing.

Re: The first few months...

  • Thank you for this post. I haven't had my babies yet but constant crying and fussiness is one of my concerns... It's nice to hear someone say how great it all is.
  • Yes it does get better.  I'm a mommy of 3 year old B/G twins.

    The first 3 months were a blur. When one was awake the other was sleeping. I put the baby to sleep and the second one would wake up.  It was like this constantly.  By 4 months they were almost STTN - of course the growth spurts would come and go....things would change.  Enjoy the small moments of normalcy.  It gets better ladies!!! Hang in there! 

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  • Thank you so much for posting! We are 3 months in and things are just starting to get better...but I did have a hard time too in the very beginning. So many times I thought I would never be able to do it. Good to know that in another few months things get even better! Thanks!
  • Yes, it does get easier.  As bottles go away and diapers are changed less often, things settle down.  Being able to entertain themselves independently was a HUGE step for us.  I actually felt like I got a few minutes here and there to do things for myself!  There are still challenges, but things are much more managable now. 

    Although, chasing them in opposite directions still gets me!  But it's fun.  The more they can interact with you, the more fun it is, I think.  My boys are now asking "what's that?" about just about everything.  It's so amazing to watch how smart they are and how fast they learn.  Sometimes I wonder where they get things from!

    I'll share a cute story from last night.  One of E's big things is "uh oh".  He loves to say it and will drop things just so he can say "uh oh"!  Yesterday, he spilled a bunch of cheerios all over the kitchen floor and said, of course, "uh oh".  I told him that he needed to clean them up (I was being funny).  He toddled over to the sink, pointed at the paper towels and went "uh" (which is what he does when he wants something).  So I got him a paper towel and he went right over and started wiping cheerios with a paper towel!  I'm sure he picked it up watching me clean spills with paper towels, but to see him put all of that together and actually ask for a paper towel when I told him to clean something up just absolutely amazed me!  Things like that make it all worth it!

  • Oh yes!  It gets much easier and soon.  I find myself at home of an evening wondering what I should do w/ myself since the girls are all playing happily.  They go to bed earlyish and sleep all night and I have me time in the evenings. 
  • A million thanks for this post too.  My boys are 9 weeks today, and I need to remember this in the middle of the night when I curse their teeny stomachs for not letting them sleep longer.
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  • Thank you so much for posting this!  I am having a difficult time now and I need the reminder (constantly) that things will get better and easier in time!
    BFP July 09 - m/c Aug 09
    BFP Nov 09 - c/p Dec 09
    BFP Dec 09 - A&J born in August 2010 at 37w, 6d
    BFP Sept 11 - ectopic pregnancy/left tube removed
    BFP April 12 - E born December 2012 at 39w, 1d

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  • This is so good to hear!!!

  • imagecarissasmom:
    Oh yes!  It gets much easier and soon.  I find myself at home of an evening wondering what I should do w/ myself since the girls are all playing happily.  They go to bed earlyish and sleep all night and I have me time in the evenings. 

    Oh good Lord...sublime Heaven!  : )   That can't come soon enough.


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  • I'll add another reminder that it gets easier! And I never believed it when people would say that to me but it is true!

    When you are struggling you can remind yourself that it will not be like that  forever.  That mantra helped me through many nights. 

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  • Thank you, thank you, thank you for this post! We are almost 3 months into it now and it is starting to get a little better. Most nights we get a minimum of 6 hrs between bottles and I can already tell the fussing is starting to decrease a bit - unless of course they are hungry or tired. They're starting to smile too and I'm pretty sure they know who we are :) But I totally 2nd the person who 'curses their little tummies' in the middle of the night. We had a rough night last night and I was just like, "Why won't you just SLEEP!! rarrr" You know, since some days they can go 8 hours at night so I know they're capable!! sigh...
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  • I hope it gets better for me soon. My babies are three and a half months old and no where near sleeping through the night. I still get up with each one three times a night. Sometimes my son will give me six hours straight, but not that often. They are both teething right now, so that doesn't help.

    They are far less fussy during the day though, so that is an improvement. They also smile and laugh a lot, so that adds to the fun.

    I can't wait until they STTN, I think it will make a huge difference.

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  • imagekaitley44:

    I hope it gets better for me soon. My babies are three and a half months old and no where near sleeping through the night. I still get up with each one three times a night. Sometimes my son will give me six hours straight, but not that often. They are both teething right now, so that doesn't help.

    They are far less fussy during the day though, so that is an improvement. They also smile and laugh a lot, so that adds to the fun.

    I can't wait until they STTN, I think it will make a huge difference.

    We didn't have big improvement till about 5 or 6mos.  Things did start to get better at 3 1/2 mos, but barely.  For those who are struggling still at 3mos, it sucks, but it does not last forever!  Promise :) 

    Also, if you have preemies, always keep that in mind so you don't think something's wrong if they don't sttn as soon as you'd like.

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  • Thank you so much for posting this!!! We are 4.5 weeks in and it's been a blur of fussy babies, hazy nights and wondering when it will get better. This is exactly what I needed to see today!!!
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