Both kids started school this fall. Trev is in full day kindergarten which requires him to travel across the city to attend an intensive speech program. He doesn't get home until a little after 4. The youngest goes to full day pre-k 3 days per week. My husband works nights and I work full time. I do not have either boy involved in a sport or club. I just feel like by the time we all get home, settled and have dinner it is bedtime. How do you fit in a sport or activity without feeling overwhelmed?
Re: How many of you do not have your kids involved in some type of activity?
I have been told by more than one person that kids do best in sports/organized activity when they are 5 or older. Before then, not so much.
DS is in preschool for 2 1/4 hours a day, 3 days a week. That is plenty for an almost 4 year old.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Neither of my kids are in anything. Ds took some swim lessons over the summer but that's it and now he's in kindergarten full-day. I think we're going to sign him up for a children's choir, but that probably won't happen until the second semester.
Dd, our poor neglected second child, is 2/5 and she's never been in any sort of formal class/activity.
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
I SAH so we have a lot of time.
I do think that kids under the age of 5 do benifit from organzied sports. DD loved t-ball last year, she had fun and really enjoyed playing on a team. I would say just from that alone she did benifit from it.
She will be doing gymnasics, soccer, swimming and preschool this year. When you spread it out to 6 days a week it is really not that much everyday.
Both DH and I also work full time and B is in daycare until 5pm.
She will start dance this Saturday for the first time. She hasn't been in anything extra until now outside of school.