So the other day i kept putting things on the stove to boil and forgetting about them... thank goodness we had lots of people over to keep reminding me and checking on it....
but today i've hit a new low-- I'm usually a really good cook... I couldn't even figure out hamburger helper tonight... I just couldn't understand the directions. Thank goodness DH is capable in the kitchen! I was like I don't get it... lol... This baby brain needs to go away!
Re: this kid is making me so dumb!!!
I'm a very elaborate cook and I'm having a dinner party for my birthday/announcement and I'm terrified that this will happen to me. I'm going to figure out the menu this weekend and get as much preped as possible so that come the day of the 18th I don't just stand in the kitchen, break down, and cry. DH is not in the LEAST kitchen capable so the meal for 12 falls on me. I'm hoping to have atleast the dessert done by the 17th so that's one less thing I have to worry about.... mmm and maybe the soup.
I hope it gets better for you though. I'm sure that really did feel like a new low
awwwww... lucky you had people around
pregnancy brain sucks!
I am getting dumb too... when i read a word, sometimes, i'll read it differently. for example... the word is Book, but i would read it at Back...and i'd be like, WHAT?!? THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! Then I'd read it over atleast 3 times to realize that that wasn't the word :P
Cooking black out... i was just heating up a leftover sandwich and french fries in the toaster for my husband. At the same time, I was making something for me, but I totally forgot about the sandwich... then my husband came downstairs and said "i smell something burning!" and there was the sandwich, BURNT!!! I cried sooooo much! (dang hormones) All I could say was "I can't even heat up a sandwich for you!!!!" sheesh!
LOL!!!!! Yeah thats what I was thinking
I am now forgetting to do things around the house like I'll throw in a load of clothes and it'll be running for a while and then realize I forgot the soap! The worst thing that is irritating me right now is that I'm (normally) a fast typer and good speller and now I cant seem to spell things for the life of me or type! My husband makes fun of me saying I'm starting to be him!
LOL I thought this tooo... I thought that sounds right! lol.
Haha! See! And I even proofread that...Geez!!
Diagnosed with PCOS March '10 - Started 1000mg of Metformin

After 3 unsuccessful Clomid cycles, FSH+Ovidril+IUI+Progesterone=BFP!
Time to make Emilie a big sister!
May '16 2.0: Letrozole+FSH+Menopur+Ovidril+IUI+Progesterone=BFP! first beta-45.44, second beta-148
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