Hello, This is my first post. I come here almost every day now that I am on modified bed rest. You ladies have taught me so much and helped me know what to expect at the next turn of this very draining pregnancy. I am 28 weeks pregnant with identical twins. I have a 14 year old daughter and a son that will be 12 next month. I have not been enjoying this pregnancy like I did my first two. I went from being very sick all the time to very uncomfortable all the time. Lately I have been having a lot of BH contractions and this is very worrisome. Last U/S one week ago, I was told that baby A is 2 lbs 12 oz and head down and Baby B is 2 lbs 15 oz and transverse, so that is good news. I hope to go natural with no drugs but my doctors want me to get the epidural just in case Baby B needs an emergency C section. Obviously when the time comes, I will do what ever is in the best interest of my babies. When we found out it was twins I was in shock and scared to death. Now, all I want are these twins in my arms. Funny how things work out.
Thanks for letting me talk your ear off
Re: Hello everyone, this is my intro
Welcome and congrats on making it to 28 weeks so far - try to hang in there; I had a very rough/complicated pregnancy as well, but it really is all worth it in the end.