
Is the Graco Nautilus still the recommended booster?

Thanks to the post below, I realized I can trade in DS's infant seat at BRU for a discount off the next seat he will need.  I think it will still be several months before he's ready for a booster (he turns 4 next month but is only 38 lbs, although he's tall so he may outgrow his Marathon because of the shoulder straps, we'll see).  Anyway, I think I'll go ahead and buy the next one and just save it for when he's ready.  I know awhile back, everyone here seemed to recommend the Graco Nautilus.  Is that still the case?

Re: Is the Graco Nautilus still the recommended booster?

  • The Nautilus is commonly recommended around here because it's a 5 pt harness and then a high back booster that converts to a regular booster. We have one in DH's car.

    In my car, we have a Britax Frontier (not the new 85 one - wish I had waited... oh well), and I much prefer the Frontier over the Nauti. The Frontier also has a 5 pt harness and then converts to a highback booster.

    DS was 3y9m and 33 lbs or so when we moved him to the Frontier. Since it's a 5 pt harness, it's good for kids over age 2. The Nauti is similar. I tested them in the store before buying.

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  • Oh, and I intend to use the 5 pt harness as long as possible. DS is not mature enough to sit in a regular booster (not staying in the shoulder belt correctly 100% of the time - not reaching for toys, etc.).
  • imagepeekaboo716:
    Oh, and I intend to use the 5 pt harness as long as possible. DS is not mature enough to sit in a regular booster (not staying in the shoulder belt correctly 100% of the time - not reaching for toys, etc.).

    Thanks!!  What is it that makes you prefer the Frontier over the Nautilus?

  • my dc are small. dd is 32-33lb at 4 1/2...she's still in her decathelon and has another shoulder slot to go before outgrowing it.  so I'm thinking by the time we buy a new seat , we'll go with the britax parkway sg...  in your shoes, I would lean towards the britax frontier 85.  although there are some less expensive recs on that review's best bet category.  look at that list(link above) and shop around. 
  • imageomurray:

    Oh, and I intend to use the 5 pt harness as long as possible. DS is not mature enough to sit in a regular booster (not staying in the shoulder belt correctly 100% of the time - not reaching for toys, etc.).

    Thanks!!  What is it that makes you prefer the Frontier over the Nautilus?

    When we were in the store, DS liked the Frontier better. He fit better in it, the crotch strap depth (from the back of the seat to the buckle) has 3 positions, which is more than the Nauti. That's what made the Frontier more comfortable for DS mostly. However, DS now likes his Nauti better because it's in DH's car, which we never take, and he likes the cubbies on the sides.

    I think that buckling the straps on the Frontier is easier, and DH HATES the buckle on the Nauti (like he hates on all Graco seats). I think the straps are less tangled with the Frontier.

    I found both of them equally as easy to install. The Frontier is installed with LATCH, the Nauti with the shoulder belt (no LATCH in DH's).

    We bought one of each. DS is rarely in DH's car, and he is in it for such short times, that the less cost of the Nauti appealed for our second seat.

  • I would definitely suggest you buy the nautilus for the extra room in harness height, but don't count on it being 100% sure that you'll be able to use it as a booster. All boosters fit differently on different kids in different cars. You may be able to use it, you may not, but you won't know until you get to that point. I hated the fit on DS. Proper belt fit is imperative with a booster, so if it doesn't work, you'll have to get a new booster. You can't guarantee that it won't work, and it's a decent buy anyway, so I'd buy it. The evenflo maestro has the same harness height as the nauti, but is only $80, so it's a good option, too. I have thought it didn't make a good booster, but I've been reading lately that it actually is a decent fit sometimes. Anyway, just know that whatever you buy, you may end up having to buy a dedicated booster when the time comes. 

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