Cloth Diapering

Detergent opinions

I've been using Arm & Hammer for Sensitive Skin and I don't like it AT.ALL.

So now my debate is should I go the homemade route like this: or spend a little more $ and order something online like Rockin Green?  

Thoughts/advice/opinions please :-D  Thanks! 

Married to a pharmacist
Mother of two boys, three girls, and one more little boy on the way!
Two time miscarriage survivor.
So happy to be expecting our sixth child in August 2017!

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Re: Detergent opinions

  • I personally wouldn't use RG.  Even the non recall batches give lots of babies problems.

    I use planet powder and never had an issue. :)

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • We make our own. It is cheap and ridiculously easy. And works better than anything else on the market. - I support Newt Gingrich's idea of colonizing the moon if it'll help me get away from Newt Gingrich.

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  • Do you have a recipe?  I have been looking into this and am  curious what works for others!  TIA
  • This is one recipe I've seen others talk highly about and I'm considering trying...

    3 Boxes Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (55 oz each)
    2 Boxes 20 Mule Team Borax (76 oz each)
    1 Large Tub OxiClean (96 oz)

    Yes, it's a lot, but it's super cheap to make, so no biggie :) It just lasts forever. Or you can share :)

    Married to a pharmacist
    Mother of two boys, three girls, and one more little boy on the way!
    Two time miscarriage survivor.
    So happy to be expecting our sixth child in August 2017!

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  • imageBountifulbride:

    This is one recipe I've seen others talk highly about and I'm considering trying...

    3 Boxes Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (55 oz each)
    2 Boxes 20 Mule Team Borax (76 oz each)
    1 Large Tub OxiClean (96 oz)

    Yes, it's a lot, but it's super cheap to make, so no biggie :) It just lasts forever. Or you can share :)


    Dumb question, but I have a HE washer, can you use this in my washer and how much do you use? Thanks!

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  • You can use it in an HE machine.  I don't personally have one, but I've read users that use 1/2 - 1 tbs per load.  I would start with half and adjust from there.  If they smell dirty, use more - get ammonia build up, use less.
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