We plan on trying for #2 in Dec or Jan when #1 will be 7-8 months old. Someone on the age boards mentioned that you have to wait a year if you've had a C/S. I thought doctors usually always tell you to wait a year no matter how you delievered, but is there a complication that might occur if you get pg before a year when you've had a c/s? What was your experience and how old was #1 when you got pg w/# 2?
Re: C/S mamas who got pg before #1 was a year..
I've gotten PG twice before the 1 year mark. My OB told me that I could get PG whenever I wanted, but that I should be "emotionally" ready to handle another child........
#1 was 9 months when I got PG with #2
#2 was 10 months when I got PG with #3
There are no complications if you get PG before a year UNLESS you have existing or special circumstances. I had no issues after any of my c-sections.
My OB did tell me to wait a year if we were planning on a 4th, but that's because I had 3 c-sections in 3 years and she wanted me to let my body rest.
The reason why OBs tell you not to get pregnant within a year of your first c-section is because there's a greater chance of uterine rupture with pregnancies spaced close together. Considering the overall risk of uterine rupture happens in less than 1% of cases, it's not something you need to take all that seriously (assuming you had a textbook section and good recovery).
I found out I was pregnant when DS was 4.5 months old and have had a really easy pregnancy. My incision was a little sore for the first month, but that's abou tit.
I was cleared to TTC again at 6 months because infertility issues indicated that we needed to hurry if we wanted more kids.
No problems.
I was even offered VBAC!
DS #1 was 8 months old when the shocking BFP came.
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
Hi All!
I'm new to the board since I recenlty found out I'm 8 weeks pregnant with #2. I had a c-section with the first and planning on the same with #2. #1 was 10 months when I got pregnant and so far we have had no complications and my doctor said as long as we were ready it was ok to start trying again.
I didnt ask my docs opinion on when to get pregnant again. To me, it's me and DH's opinion that matters.
We got pg with DS when DD was 5.5 months or so, and they'll be 14 months apart. They actually recommended a repeat c/s instead of vaginally with #2, b/c of the risk of uterine rupture of doing a vaginal birth <18 months apart.
My ob told me to wait 18mo if I wanted to try for a vbac but if I was opting for a repeat c/s that it didn't matter when I got pg. The risk is uterine rupture during labor.
DS1 was 8mo when I got pg, I had a totally normal pregnancy and normal repeat c/s.
Good luck!!
Mama Jan's Kitchen... a food blog
I asked my OB if this was true, and he said it was no problem. DS#1 is 8 months, and I'm currently pregnant (just a little bit, but it counts!).
Also, he said I could decide if I wanted to do a VBAC. I think it depends on the doctor.
Same here. My dr is not concerned. She says the risk of uterine rupture is slightly higher for VBAC after c/s, but still not a significant risk, and a c/s makes your risk slightly higher whether it's been a year or three years since your c/s. My dr does VBACs, though I'm not trying for one. The only real difference is that my scar wasn't finished healing so somtimes it hurts from the stretching, but it's not risky to me or the baby, just uncomfortable. 2u2 was the right decision for us.
In regards to the VBAC, that's not always true. I'm going to have less than 13 months between kids, and my dr said it was fine to attempt a VBAC. Even though there is a greater risk of rupture with births spaced close together, the overall risk is still under 1%. If you are hoping for a VBAC, see what your doctor's policy is.
Good luck!
My daughter was 8 months old when I got pregnant with twins, and I had a safe VBAC without any issues,
The "greater risk of rupture", while still under 1% is what is steering me away from a VBAC. My doc said I could try, but recommended a c/s.