My DD's name is Sadie, which is a diminutive form of Sarah, my Grandmother's name. We LOVE her name and it fits her perfect. But we can't pick a name for DS. My husband likes Charles, which is his dad's middle name. I really really don't like this name. I do, however, like Charlie. And even though DD has a nn as her first name, I'm not sure if Charlie would make an acceptable first name for DS. I'm always appreciative of your thoughts. Thanks!
Re: Nickname as First Name?
this. Because it will give your son options when he is older. I have a nephew in law who's name is Frankie- sure he can go by Frank when he is older, so that is an option- but when I first met him I thought maybe his 'real' name was Francis or something like that, but no- his given name is Frankie, I can't see myself using a lawyer or doctor named Frankie... auto mechanic, yes, sure... Kinda the same with Charlie.
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I like the nn Charlie!
But if you just go with Charlie, he doesn't have the option of using Charles later in life, if he wants to.
If you really don't like the name Charles, I say go with another name that you both like.
This. Sadie can stand alone but I don't think Charlie can.
ETA: oops, I meant to quote the post above this.
This. Some NN work for FN (Sadie, Lucy), but some do not. Charlie is one of them that doesn't, IMO.
Pish posh, rules were meant to be broken. I agree with you 100%. Charlie is super cute, but Charles is kinda dorky. Go ahead and name him Charlie! I'm all about shortening the first name, especially for a boy. My fave names are Sam and Ben and everyone gets irritated that I probably won't use Samuel or Benjamin. Why does it have to be so formal? Go with it!
I agree w/ the Charles as a fn group. You just don't know the kind of person you're son is going to grow to be, what career he's going to go into, etc.
Having "Charlie" as his only name could end up being frustrating for him. It may not fit his adult personality or his career.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
I've got a Hank - not Henry. Look at how many Hanks there are - FAMOUS Hanks. Look at how many famous Charlies there are... Men born as Charles or Carlos often go by Charlie in the professional world.
Look at how Henry and Hank are related - where the hell do you get Hank from Henry? Where do you get *** from Richard? There's no reason that if your son is born Charlie, he can't be referred to as Charles later in life.
I dislike full names made into nicknames, so my DS is just Alex.
My friend's DS is just Charlie, and actually my friend's name is Jenny, not Jennifer. My other friend's DD is just Kate.
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So you're saying Henry could be kind of a.. nn for Hank? And Richard could be a nn for D!ck? LOL. I suppose Massimiliano could be a nn for Max.