
Introduction and a question

Hi ladies!  I'm going to be joining you all for now and I was wondering if anyone could give me an opinion on our situation.  We went in today for our first ultrasound and there are twins, however one is measuring a whole week smaller than the other.  The larger on is spot on at 7w1d, which is exactly where we thought we were.  The other was measuring 6w1d.  We saw both heartbeats today, but the doctor said that she was pretty sure that this would turn into a disappearing or vanishing twin.  Anyone have experience with a smaller twin this early on?  DH and I are both very unsure about what to think.  We would love and welcome twins, but we're just not sure how things are going to go.  Just really confused right now.
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Re: Introduction and a question

  • Congrats and Welcome!!  I know nothing of vanishing twin sorry I am not much help.
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  • a week is a big difference - but measurments can be off.  Only time will tell - it's hard.

    my twins were 2 days apart at our first US and the doc warned us about disappearing twin syndrome... but all worked out.  I do know quite a few women who had disappearing twins --- the good thing is that it has no negative effect on the other baby....  it's so hard to wait... i remember sitting in the RE office the morning of my 2nd US holding my belly and just praying and praying that they were both there and healthy --- it's such a hard time, but exciting.

    the good thing is that TODAY you are pg with twins! And you are PREGNANT! Congrats!!!!!!

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  • Congratulations! A week is a lot that early on, but the fact that they saw two heart beats is a good sign. When do you get a follow up US?
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  • My little girl was measuring about (not quite) a week behind my little boy for the first nine weeks or so.  She eventually caught up and even went ahead of him according to the u/s.  They are both here and healthy now.  

    The u/s toward the end had her measuring about the same as he was but, when I had them at 34.6 wks she was only 4.2 lbs and he was 5.9 lbs.  

    It's so scary and I wouldn't let myself invest to much emotion into the pregnancy until I reached about 12 wks after I had a CVS test done.

    Keep the faith....if you heard two h/b's, you just never know.  Hopefully your dr scheduled a follow up u/s soon so, you won't have to wait to long to see what's going on.

    Congrats and welcome to the wonderful world of multiples....your adventure is just beginning!  : ) 

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  • spkr602-

    My DH and I are going through almost the exact same scenario.  I think my little guy is further back than just a week though.  (RE said it was about 1/2 the size of the larger one) GL to you and I hope all turns out well for both of us!!!


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  • I also started about a week apart, and I am 21 weeks now, and their size is still 20% in difference.  They are keeping a close eye on me in case I have TTTS, but as of now, they are both doing very well.  I only started to let myself get  hopeful that things are going to turn out ok in the last few weeks. 

    Hope things turn out for you also, keep positive thoughts!

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  • Thank you ladies so much for all of you support.  It's been a roller coaster of emotions so far, that's for sure.  We actually only heard the heart beat of the larger of the two, but was saw both fluttering away.  We have a follow up with the RE in two weeks.  Again, thank you!
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  • When I went in for my first US at 5.5 weeks only one heartbeat was showing, I was scared out of my mind for a week about vanishing twin. Second US at 6.5 weeks, two beautiful heartbeats! I wouldn't worry about it too much. My US measurements of Baby B were all (except for one which was the correct one) same as her sisters, and she was born 4lb11 oz 18 in and Baby A was 6lb3oz and 19 1/2 inches. They can be off.
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