How would you pronounce these names (all girls)
There was also a girl named Joey. The teacher in me is cringing at the sight of those first three. I am pretty good at pronouncing you-neek names but when I have gotten them wrong in the past, the students (HS) get really ticked. I want to tell them that if their parent had used their brain when picking a name, they wouldn't have so much frustration in their lives!
Re: I just had to look at the hospital names
I posted too soon... add this one to my list of names I don't have a clue how to pronounce
Joyseraphine --Joy-sara-feen (?) Sounds like a drug
Joee --Joey, I don't mind this one so much
Zy'Ajah--Zi-Aje-a, I don't get the whole punctuation within a name...But, who I am I to talk, I have a random capital letter in the middle of my own name.
Jalaih'ya--Jalaya? This one wouldn't be so bad if it was spelled somewhat decently.