
? for moms of older preemies (12 months+)

I need some suggestions for healthy, but high-fat foods for DD.  Her pediatrician would like to see her gain some weight since she's just 3% on the weight charts (actual, not adjusted).  She's been so picky lately - one day something is good, the next day it's thrown on the floor.  Any advice is appreciated!
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Re: ? for moms of older preemies (12 months+)

  • Avocado (DD likes gaucamole too), yo baby yogurt (whole fat), cooked egg yolks, bananas, smoothies, cottage cheese (whole fat), hummus (I mix diced tomatoes and hummus for a snack)....

    I have a peanut too.  And the older and more active she gets, the more I try to keep high fat (but healthy high fat) foods in her diet.

  • I don't have any other suggestions, but I think it's great that she's on the actual weight chart!!
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  • imagelemen99:
    I don't have any other suggestions, but I think it's great that she's on the actual weight chart!!

    This! Did your doctor give you any suggestions? It is so hard to get any weight on my LO that we have been giving her high fat , high cal chicken nuggets, tater tots, cheese, beans. We also grind up flax seeds and mix them into cereal and pancakes .

  • My daughter has had problems eating since day one. From December to May she lost weight, and the pedi freaked out. She only gets Boost and whole milk to drink (no juice or water). She loves fruits and veggies, which is awesome, but isn't going to add the pounds, so we cut them up and cover them in olive oil. She gets a bowl of ice-cream every night. We add cream to her milk once a day. She has gained about three pounds from May to now, so it's working. The Boost really helps. We also take her to see a speech therapist/feeding specialist. She told us that DD has trouble chewing, and therefore, loses interest in eating very quickly. She has been doing a lot better now that she cut her molars.

    You will LOVE this blog written by one of our fellow preemie moms. It has helped us out a lot!:
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  • imagetierelieber:

     She told us that DD has trouble chewing, and therefore, loses interest in eating very quickly. She has been doing a lot better now that she cut her molars.

    This really struck me.  Andrew has suddenly really lost interest eating.  He has trouble chewing, and used to do baby food purees...but recently doesn't want those..but can't really eat/chew much in the way of table food.  :/

    I hope he improves when his molars come in.  He's just cutting his first 2. 

    Thankfully his weight has been okay, despite that he is so so finicky and gags easily etc. 


  • imagelemen99:

     She told us that DD has trouble chewing, and therefore, loses interest in eating very quickly. She has been doing a lot better now that she cut her molars.

    This really struck me.  Andrew has suddenly really lost interest eating.  He has trouble chewing, and used to do baby food purees...but recently doesn't want those..but can't really eat/chew much in the way of table food.  :/

    I hope he improves when his molars come in.  He's just cutting his first 2. 

    Thankfully his weight has been okay, despite that he is so so finicky and gags easily etc. 


    We have always had issues with gagging. the same thing happened with baby food too- she loved it, then suddenly would not eat it anymore. The only thing she will let us feed her with a spoon is ice-cream. Now we also have problems with throwing up as well. I think her stomach gets too full, and she's not used to that so she doesn't know to stop eating and she will throw up. It's a never-ending battle. Hopefully when his molars come in he will improve. I would also recommend seeing a speech therapist if you're not already. She showed us some chewing exercises for Charden to do, and has been extremely helpful.

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  • *lurking for ideas* DD's right around the 3% actual, and actually lost a little from our last visit a week ago (but she was sick, so the pedi was OK with it). We're moving over to cow's milk now and I'm a little worried about making sure she gets all her calories in.
  • Pedi suggested feed our picky DS cheese on an english muffin.  I put a deli slice on an english muffin and pop in in the toaster oven and then cut it in bit size pieces. DS loved it.  I also feed him one yo baby yogurt each day.  He didn't have that much to gain he just feel off his curve  a little bit - was super picky.  Pedi wanted him to get an extra 100-200 cals a day.


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  • imagelemen99:
    I don't have any other suggestions, but I think it's great that she's on the actual weight chart!!

    I was pretty happy with that, too, but apparently we have a bit of work to do!  Thanks, everyone, for your excellent ideas!  It really is tough to get Little Miss Busy to stop running long enough to eat something.  Looking forward to trying some of your suggestions!

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