Looking over a registry suggestion list, I saw they recommended having (for singleton) 12 washclothes, 8 towels, 3 crib sheets. Is this about right? How often do you change / wash the items? I can see needing more crib sheets b/c of potential accidents, especially when baby sick, but that many washclothes? Do you use them for anything else besides bathing baby? Do you change your towels daily? I figured changing towels 3x a week would be sufficient, no? I change mine 1/wk (unless gets dirty for whatever reason). So, please help me complete my babies' needs.
1 - Towels
2 - Washclothes
3 - Crib sheets
4 - Changing table cover
5 - Bassinet / Cradle sheets
6 - Are crib sheet savers really necessary? If so, how many?
7 - Mattress pad - I'm assuming 1 per crib is enough? If soiled, wash next day and replace immediately?
8 - Blankets - this is one department I'm lacking in right now. I prob only have 4 for each baby, and 3 are "nicer" ones (more stroller blankets).
Re: Poll - How many...
1 - Towels
I think the most we've had was 8 total and that was more than enough. Right now they have 4 total of their own toddler hooded towels, and on the *rare* occasion that one isn't clean they just use a regular bath towel.
2 - Washclothes
I don't even know the exact number, but we have a pretty large stack of them. The most we've had dirty at once was maybe 10, because I also used them to wipe spit up sometimes. Now we could get by with 2-4 and be just fine.
3 - Crib sheets
They have 2 each that get rotated regularly, and another 1 each for the very very rare occasion that we need it. The only time the "ugly spares" have been pulled out were when they were sick and puking/pooping all over the place.
4 - Changing table cover
They had 2. I think we used the second one maybe twice. We definitely would have been fine with just one.
5 - Bassinet / Cradle sheets
Never used a bassinet. We do have 1 sheet for each PNP that gets used when we go on vacation though.
6 - Are crib sheet savers really necessary? If so, how many?
No clue what a sheet saver even is, so probably not necessary.
7 - Mattress pad - I'm assuming 1 per crib is enough? If soiled, wash next day and replace immediately?
We just have one for each crib. Occasionally they have to sleep without it on if it's in the wash during a nap time, but it's never been a big deal. The mattresses are waterproof anyway so even if they were to pee through while it's off it wouldn't matter. For us, the pads are more to add a small layer of softness instead of just a sheet on a hard plastic mattress.
8 - Blankets - this is one department I'm lacking in right now. I prob only have 4 for each baby, and 3 are "nicer" ones (more stroller blankets).
We have 2 each of the soft minky/silky type that they sleep with now in their cribs. We have 1 fleece blanket each that's mostly used in the car and stroller in the winter. We also have 1 thick cotton blanket each that I haven't even pulled out of the drawer in months. They also each have a few handmade quilts and stuff but they're used so rarely I don't even count them.
2 - Washclothes: I think we started with 18 or so which was excessive...until they started eating solids multiple times a day. I really didn't use washcloths very much until I needed them to clean up after meals. (If you have an IKEA near you, they have a great, cheap set of washcloths that are a little larger than the "normal" baby ones.)
3 - Crib sheets: We have two for each crib and we also have two ultimate crib sheets for each crib. I highly recommend getting ultimate crib sheets because they are much easier to change than crib sheets.
4 - Changing table cover: I had two, but I really never used my changing table. I wound up using an ottoman in our living area that i covered with a beach towel. Over that, I used chux/disposable adult underpads that i got in a huge box at Sam's/Costco. That way if one got really dirty, i just threw it out.
5 - Bassinet / Cradle sheets: We really didn't use anything other than crib/swing/bouncy seats, but for travel, I had two sheets for each PnP.
6 - Are crib sheet savers really necessary? If so, how many?: Ultimate crib sheets are the best!
7 - Mattress pad - I'm assuming 1 per crib is enough? If soiled, wash next day and replace immediately?: Yep, should be fine. We only have two and don't think I've really needed to wash one emergently.
8 - Blankets - this is one department I'm lacking in right now. I prob only have 4 for each baby, and 3 are "nicer" ones (more stroller blankets): Honestly, i wouldn't worry much about these. I got a bunch of them as gifts and for the most part, we really didn't use many. If you can, I would probably register for some Aden and Anais swaddling blankets (they are great swaddling blankets and even now, one DD uses them as her loveys), but that would be it.
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
1 - Towels - about a dozen
2 - Washclothes - probably fifty or so, but since we have boys, we used them to cover their junk during every diaper change.
3 - Crib sheets - at least a dozen
4 - Changing table cover - 4
5 - Bassinet / Cradle sheets - n/a
6 - Are crib sheet savers really necessary? If so, how many? - IMO, yes. we had three
7 - Mattress pad - didn't have these
8 - Blankets - had a ton, only used the aden + anais blankets, which we have about six of. we didn't really use receiving blankets or burp cloths or anything else.
also, i liked having lap pads. i'd put them down on the changing table (where the butt would be) and it would stop me from having to change the cover every time it got pooped or peed on (a LOT in the beginning!)
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
FYI - https://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3613458
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
1 - Towels - We had 5 or 6 for DD, and only used 2. The twins share a towel, and they use our bath towels. I'd go for fewer.
2 - Washcloths - We have a handful, but again only use 1 or 2 that the twins share.
3 - Crib sheets - 3 per crib
4 - Changing table cover - 3, but I rarely change it. If it gets dirty, and wash it and put it back on.
5 - Bassinet / Cradle sheets - for DD, we had 2.
6 - Are crib sheet savers really necessary? If so, how many? We don't have any.
7 - Mattress pad - I'm assuming 1 per crib is enough? If soiled, wash next day and replace immediately? - I have 2 per crib
8 - Blankets - this is one department I'm lacking in right now. I prob only have 4 for each baby, and 3 are "nicer" ones (more stroller blankets). - DD has a lot, the babies have 2 each. They don't sleep with blankets for a couple years. You may want one to cover up their stroller, or to lay them on the floor (depending on how often you vacuum your floors).
Towels - 9
Washcloths - 15? We use them to wipe up dirty faces with solids 3x a day
Crib sheets - 2 each
Changing Table Cover - 2 (we use little pad things to go on them so even the cover is protected. we have 6 of those and wash them all.the.time)
No on the crib sheet savers. We don't use those or mattress pads.
Blankets - We never really used blankets. I think we get by with 4 total, though we were given like 1,000 at my showers.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!