Two Under 2

having a slight anxiety attack..induction thursday

please talk me off the ledge. Im really panicking about having even less time to myself, and doing 99% of this parent thing on my own, since Dh is a fireman. DD stopped STTn for some reason, she wakes up 2 or 3 times a night SCREAMING and nothing stops it...and Im too big to pick her up and rock her, so night time is what Im most worried about. I seriously just want to sit and cry because Im not ready in the slightest. Ive already discussed PPD with my doc..actually i did a few months ago, lol. 

Am I panicking for no reason?  

Re: having a slight anxiety attack..induction thursday

  • You will be just fine - take a deep breathe.   Having two kids will be wonderful, and it will be hard too.   There will be times they both cry, and there will be times you cry too, but those moments are short-lived.  

    As for your first LO, have molars come in yet?  My DD started waking at night when her molars first started coming in (well, her eye teeth came in at the same time too).   We would do orajel, motrin, some milk, and lots of rocking to get her back to sleep.  Also, maybe take her to the pedi to check for an ear infection - you never know.

    Having 2 has been awesome - there have been a couple moments I thought I might go crazy, but those moments are so few and far between.  It's hard work, but its good work. 

    Make sure you keep talking to your doctor about PPD and anxiety, and get help when you need it.  You have a LOT of hormones in your system now, and you are goign to have crazy-hormonal changes after birth.  There's a lot going on with your body - take care of yourself.  GL :)

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