Baby Names

Is this ok?

So I have wanted to use the name Noah ever since I was like 15. Last year a friend of ours gf had a baby (it wasn't his) and she named him Noah. They have since broken up but are still friends and our friend still thinks of this boy as his son and talks about him all the time. Is it still ok to use the name? I can't think of any boys names I like better :(

DS1 Born Apr 29 2011

DS2 Born Nov 5 2013

Pregnant with #3 Dec 24 2014, MMC found at 10w, D&C Feb 10th 2015

Cautious BFP May 25th 2015 EDD Feb 6 2016

Re: Is this ok?

  • i personally would not do it. 

    we had our name picked out and i found out a distant cousin had a son with that name.  we started from scratch after that.  i couldnt bare to even think about my grandma sitting around with her sister talking about who had the name in there fam first. 

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  • Ask the friend. He might not care, and you can go ahead and use it. He might care, and then it would be up to you to decide whether that matters or not.
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  • I would talk to your friend and ask him how he feels.  He may not mind (since I don't think men usually get as excited about baby names as women do). 

    ...and Happy anniversary :)

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    11.10.10 from my belly to my heart at 11wks 5days

  • For me, it would depend on the friendship ? is this a life-long friend who was best man at your wedding, or more of a buddy from work who you hang out with on weekends? If I thought I wouldn't be so close to this person 10 years from now, I'd have no problem using the name.
  • It would depend on the friendship a little bit for me too, but I am almost certain I would still use the name in that case. It isn't like it is family and your kids will have the same grandparents getting the names confused or something.

    I love Noah!

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    Logan David 03.27.08
    Jacob Riley 05.18.09
    {Member since 2007}
  • imagedana1318a:

    I would talk to your friend and ask him how he feels.  He may not mind (since I don't think men usually get as excited about baby names as women do). 

    ...and Happy anniversary :)

    Thank you! Happy almost anniversary to you!

    DS1 Born Apr 29 2011

    DS2 Born Nov 5 2013

    Pregnant with #3 Dec 24 2014, MMC found at 10w, D&C Feb 10th 2015

    Cautious BFP May 25th 2015 EDD Feb 6 2016

  • If he was the father I wouldn't use it, but since he's not - go for it!

    Oscar born October 2011

    Miscarriage at 8 weeks (August 2013)

    DD due September 1, 2014

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • imageplunderb:
    For me, it would depend on the friendship ? is this a life-long friend who was best man at your wedding, or more of a buddy from work who you hang out with on weekends? If I thought I wouldn't be so close to this person 10 years from now, I'd have no problem using the name.

    He is def more of a weekend friend, a golf buddy of DH's who we met through friends. I think I will ask him how he feels about it once we have told people about our little peanut on the way.

    DS1 Born Apr 29 2011

    DS2 Born Nov 5 2013

    Pregnant with #3 Dec 24 2014, MMC found at 10w, D&C Feb 10th 2015

    Cautious BFP May 25th 2015 EDD Feb 6 2016

  • I would use it. He isn't any part of your family and who knows if you would even be friends with them in 10 years.  If you like the name use it. I don't get why people get so hung up on other people and their kids having names you like. It's your kid.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I would use it. He's a golf buddy, he isn't this kids' father, and though they may be close now, who knows what will happens when either the other Noah's mother or the friend meet new people and create new families.

    By the way, the friend sounds like a REALLY nice guy, to treat the son of his ex-girlfriend who isn't even his so very well. 

  • imageAllie30:

    I would use it. He's a golf buddy, he isn't this kids' father, and though they may be close now, who knows what will happens when either the other Noah's mother or the friend meet new people and create new families.

    By the way, the friend sounds like a REALLY nice guy, to treat the son of his ex-girlfriend who isn't even his so very well. 

    My thoughts exactly! Especially the bolded parts.

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