DD got a very bad, very sudden fever while we were out of town on Saturday night. She hasn't had a fever in over a year, maybe longer. I had children motrin and tylenol w/ me - but she absolutely refused to take them - even mixed w/ milk which has worked well in the past before! She ended up going to sleep and the fever went away so I wasnt' too concerned. The next morning, my SIL showed up and the fever was back - she suggested giving DD a tylenol suppository - ewww! And, thank god, she was there to administer it (and that my other SIL had some on hand!) Anyway, I sort of vaguely knew that this product existed, but have never had to use it - its called Fever All - and obviously kinda gross to administrer, but it worked in about 20 minutes. You just push it up in their heiney (and doesn't make them poop or anything).
Also - when she was better on Monday, we went to the Butterly exhibit in Wheaton - it was awesome - great toddler/preschooler fun: https://www.montgomeryparks.org/brookside/wings_of_fancy.shtm It closes in a few weeks, but really nice late summer fun for LOs and then you can walk around in their huge garden afterward.
Re: 2 parenting PSAs from this weekend!
When I was little my mom used to watch my younger cousin and I remember her having to use a suppository with him once. I had forgotten about that until you just mentioned it. Thanks for the reminder, I'll pick some up at the pharmacy next time we are there!
I totally agree - and I try to avoid fever medicine for the same reason - but the suddenness of her illness was very scary and she was burning UP (even her legs and arms were hot to the touch) and I thought it was safer to give her the meds.