
Movement Change at 30 weeks?

This weekend my brother got married so it was very busy and I was on my feet a lot.  I feel like the past couple of days her movements are now all isolated very low and I am not feeling "kicks" per se, but just a little bit of turning and it is not very strong anymore.  Is it possible for her to be running out of room already?  I am trying not to freak out about it, but on the other hand I don't want to discount it either. 

Re: Movement Change at 30 weeks?

  • Things changed like that when DS finally went from transverse to head-down.

    Though, if you're feeling everything low... might very well be breech.  DD was that way, I felt only her head up in my ribs a little, everything else was way way low.  I'd probably call & talk to a nurse just to make sure things are ok in there.

  • We had a busy weekend and I was JUST thinking this last night.  I'm about three days ahead of you.  The movement has definitely changed.  More subtle, shifting motion rather than the crazy turning about he was doing before.  He was head down (according to the hands of the NP at my last appointment) and I think he still is.  He kicks a little at the top of my belly when I bend down to put on pants/shoes.  Other than that the motion is on and off all day but harder to define and I definitely think it's possible he doesn't have a ton of extra space around him.  It's time for mommy to stretch out!  

    I think this is normal - this is my third child, you would think I'd remember.   

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  • I decided to call.  I go for a NST at 2:40.  I just need some peace of mind today. 

    Kori-I have never had a baby in a breech or transverse position so maybe that might be it?

     Piper-It is my 3rd too-you think I would know too!  :P

  • Good luck!

    I felt almost nothing above the belly button with Sam.  When Bryan flipped to head-down it was at 34 weeks so he didn't have a ton of room, but he was kicking all over the place, there was a big difference. 


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