Cloth Diapering

Kissaluv Contours?

I found an awesome deal on contours but I've been looking for a diaper that will be good to use right away when the baby comes home. The small contours say they fit 5-20 lbs. Will they work or are size 0 fitteds better in this situation?


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Re: Kissaluv Contours?

  • I've been eyeing the KLC's myself, but I have 5 other contours and they don't have the gussets at the legs.  I'd recommend either the KL0's or contour hybrids, or if you can sew, add your own elastic to the legs. 
  • depends! if choosing between prefolds or contours- contours are MUCH easier and hubs usually get onboard with them faster than with prefolds.

    if choosing between contours and fitteds, keep in mind the regular contours have no elastic. But they have the same material which grabs runny poop easily but still expect a few runny legs. Using a sturdy cover will be must.

    hybrid contours are awesome. they have leg elastic and are one sized too. we used those at 6 mos but did mostly fitteds at the newborn stage.

    HTH Big Smile

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