Tomorrow is my bday and DH signed me and the twins up for a mommy & me class at the little gym.. The first day of class is today.. I'm going to admit that I've never taken the babies out in public alone yet... To a friends house yes, but not shopping or to the gym - so I'm a little nervous.. DH works from home most of the time but today is in the office.. My mom has guests from out of town staying with her... So I'm not sure what to do.. Go to the class and juggle them in/out the door by myself.. Deal with them possibly needing to eat or be fussy (we are still working on a schedule) or call and ask to make up the class when I can have someone with me??
Re: Need some opinions
just do it! Moms go out with 2 babies all the time... you'll never get good at it if you don't do it.
bring them in with the stroller- then you can take them out one at a time and put on the mat... they will probably be so excited to see another place they have never been that they will be just fine - i know my boys have always behaved better when we are out and about - b/c they love seeing new things.
you'll do fine- and you'll feel like super mom. I remember the first time i took all 3 out on my own- i felt SOOO amazing afterwards. Now it's my every day normal. It will be your normal soon, too!
happy bday!
For sure do it alone!
I take the babies out by myself everyday almost- you have to get out of the house and it's not nearly the hassle it may seem to be. We go to target, grocery shoppping, the mall and on Tuesdays we do a class each morning. It's no biggie!