Did you allow visitors in the NICU, such as friends/other family members, and did you allow them to touch/hold your LO? What rules did you have when LO came home?
with NICU family only and it was only a select few family and they came up twice. Everyone knew it was a time for us to be with DD. Since being home we are selective on who holds DD and hand washing is a big thing for us. We've made it clear we aren't looking to offend anyone but with her being so little we prefer the look but don't touch and if you have a hint of a cold not to come out of consideration for how suseptable she is. to be honest family is really all that has seen her friends have given us our space and haven't been here to see her.
We allowed minimal visitor to the NICU. grandparents and our really close friends only. Once we got home we only allowed one visitor group a day. It is hard because they all want to see how LO is doing. First we made sure everyone who walked in the door washed their hands. Second we usually only had one person hold him in the group. GL
We could only have a total of 4 people in the room so we rotated who could go in and when. We left family and close friends visit him. Family was only allowed to touch him as long as they used the hand sanitizer and followed the no rubbing rule.
Our NICU had a grandparents only rule and only two at the bedside at a time. We allowed grandparents only and one of us was there. We allowed them told him, but only once he was in level 2 and only limited. When we came home we only allowed close family. They had to wash hands when they entered and if they were sick or had been around anyone sick they could not visit. DH changed clothes when he came home from work and we kept hand sanitizer in every room. We didn't take him out at all except for dr appts.
When my girls were in the NICU, H1N1 was still a pretty big concern. So the only people who came in other than DH and I were my IL's the one day they came down, and my BFF and her DH. The rest of our friends waited until the girls were home, and none of the other family is local, so they also waited.
Most people were very good about understanding the risks- while my girls were there as fairly stable feeders and growers, there were many other smaller and sicker babies. Most everyone was good at understanding why they needed to wait until the girls got home. I posted lots of pictures to facebook and that kept most people happy.
TTC#1 since Mar 2008. Serious MFI due to cancer.
3 cancelled IUI's, just about every test in the book.
IVF#1 - BFP! Twin girls arrived 2/5/10 at 35w2d.
When DD was born last October it was during Flu & Swine Flu season. The hospital had a strict rule. Only mother/father and grandparents were able to be in the NICU. When we came home from the hospital we only allowed family members that weren't sick to come and see DD.
NICU rules allowed only two people at a time. At home, we've allowed only a couple people at a time and everyone must wash their hands upon entering the house. Not that many people have come to visit so it's not really that big an issue.
Re: Just Curious....
When my girls were in the NICU, H1N1 was still a pretty big concern. So the only people who came in other than DH and I were my IL's the one day they came down, and my BFF and her DH. The rest of our friends waited until the girls were home, and none of the other family is local, so they also waited.
Most people were very good about understanding the risks- while my girls were there as fairly stable feeders and growers, there were many other smaller and sicker babies. Most everyone was good at understanding why they needed to wait until the girls got home. I posted lots of pictures to facebook and that kept most people happy.
we allowed our parents, siblings and their SO's. Noone held him but us that wasn't our rule but the NICU's and I loved it
When he came home everyone knew not to come near him if they were sick and most of my family offered and did get the flu shot that year.