
In hospital with E...croup=bad times

She's going to be ok, but man, did this weekend suck! Both girls had colds and E developed croup last night, so I never slept b/c she had to be upright to breathe and I was too worried about her. Doc saw her this a.m. and said she needed to be admitted, so here we are at the hospital. Both of us are drenched from the humidifier hose blasting in her face, and it's way too loud for me to sleep, but at least she's doing much better. She looks adorable in her hospital gown, but I hope not to see her in one again till she has her own babies! Fingers crossed we can go home tomorrow!

Re: In hospital with E...croup=bad times

  • Poor thing. Hopefully you will go home soon.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BFP 7/6/09. M/c at 10w5d (8/14/09). Had D&C 8/19/09.
  • I hope you can go home tomorrow -- poor baby! I am glad she is doing better.
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  • Crossing my fingers that you'll be out of there soon.  Glad she's getting the care she needs, though.  Hang in there Mom.  I think it's almost always harder on the mom than the child.  e-hugs
  • Hope she feels better soon!
    Michelle Mommy to Kayleigh, Audrey and Faith. image
  • Aw poor thing, hope you guys get home soon, and you get some sleep!
  • Poor girl! I hate croup, I hope she starts feeling better soon.
  • Croup suuuuuucks. I'm so sorry and I hope she's better soon!
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • UGH! The croup really sucks! Giada got it 2 years ago in Sept for the 1st time and was also hospitalized. I slept next to her bed for 4 nights in a chair. Now, when she gets sick she typically ends up with the croup but we catch it earlier and they put her on steroids.  I totally understand and hope she gets better really soon! The croup is nothing to mess with!
  • ((HUGS))  Croup is the worst!  DD#2 and DS had it this Spring (and DH ended up bronchitis from the same bug).  We ended up in the hospital with DS with it too since he was so little (not quite 3 months old).  I hope she feels better soon and you guys get out of there and home for some rest!!  Take care of yourselves!
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