We had a miscarriage in the beginning of August and were originally going to start IVF in Sept. Dr said we could still start in Sept-just call once I got my period. It's back!
I am going to be 41 in a few weeks. So torn-do I just start IVF or keep trying to conceive naturally.
Re: Now I really have to decide whether or not to start IVF
I hear ya! I had a mc in july and went to a fertility spec. right afterwards. She wanted to do baseline bloods when AF showed up. All that is done. AF is due tomorrow. I'm hoping she doesn't show up and that we'll get good news. If not, we have to make the same decision for next month... I think we may try on our own two more cycles, but we haven't reached a final decision. Good luck!
I second this. I know I'd be anxious to get started, but insurance coverage and a natural conception would factor in. What does your dh think?
We did conceive natually before but miscarried at 5 weeks. I do actually have pretty unheard of insurance and IVF is covered. I think we would have to pay $2000.00 out of pocket but that is it.
My husband thinks we should just go straight into IVF- I am struggling a bit more with it.
I'm afraid I don't have any advice but I'm watching this thread because I'm in the same boat. I'm 40 and I am doing IUI but I'm a bit conflicted about it. Unfortunately my insurance doesn't pay for IVF and I'm trying IUI first as there's no specified reason for our infertility other than age. However, I do feel a bit like I might be wasting my time and money and might as well go for the "big guns" of IVF if I can figure out the financing.
As I said, no advice but I'm in the same boat and I wish you luck in your decision!
That is a lot to consider then. It sounds like it's affordable to you, and it's great that your husband is so enthused. But... He won't have to go through as much as you will with the treatments. If you're both willing to wait one more cycle, maybe you could still try on your own for one before moving on to IVF. Just a thought. You know your own situation better than I do.
As long as you're both on the same page... (((hugs))) Good luck deciding!
I would say go ahead with the IVF sooner rather than later, especially if you have coverage. I am 36 and we waited for a year before doing IVF. The treatment went so well and we are expecting a baby boy due in December. Had I known then what I do now, I would have not have waited this long.
Best of luck!