
Will a 4 year old girl wear footed PJ's...

Trying to clean/organize my daughters room....Way too many clothes.....

Do girls who are potty trained wear footed pj's....I used to love them when she was little, as its freezing in our house....But, now she gets up to use the bathroom during the nite...What do you think??  Thx

(its only a few pairs in questions...)

Re: Will a 4 year old girl wear footed PJ's...

  • Ava loves them. She asks to wear them all.the.time. She doesn't have any issues going to the bathroom at night when she wears them. 
    {Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}
  • My 5.5 yr old DD is wearing some right now!
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  • Annalise loves them. We just bought her a couple pair. She's still in pull ups at night though; she's a super sound sleeper.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • I think they are a pain and when they do have to go the bathroom they have to unzip the entire thing and then "get cold" by either exposing their entire upper body or lower body. I loved them when she was still in diapers but since she has been potty trained since she was 18 months old she never wore them.
  • DD wore them last winter.  She outgrew the 2-3 pair she had last year; not sure if they make them larger than a 5T.  We probably will not have them this year.  She just turned 5.  

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I ditched them when we started potty training. I figured it was much easier to do two piece or night gowns. DD prefers to wear night gowns to bed.
  • they used to frustrate dd when she first started going potty on her own.  so we tossed them. haven't purchased any since. she loves nightgowns mostly... but wears thermals during the winter

  • DD loves them because unless it's really hot out, she has to sleep with something on her feet. ?The sheets get all tangled up & annoy her too much.
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