It's Sat. night, and we are home. Seems to be the trend since having DS Anyway, to pass time while DH watches college football, I've started thinking about DC #2's name. I'm currently in love with: Clara Kate and Samuel James. WDYT?
I like them both. The only thing is that I see your DS is Charlie and I'm not a fan of having kids whose names start w/ the same letter. But Clara is so cute I would make an exception in this case!
Re: Thinking about baby #2
I like Clara Kate! I would love Clara even more with a different middle name though. I love Kate - just not so much with Clara.
I've never been a fan of Samuel, so I'm not crazy about the boy name.
Logan David 03.27.08
Jacob Riley 05.18.09
{Member since 2007}
I know exactly what you mean...we're often home on the usual party nights as well. It's okay
Clara Kate is okay...the two hard sounds don't grab me. I love the name Clara, although the aliteration with Charlie isn't my cup of tea.
I really like Samuel James - Sam/Samuel is a great sibling name to Charlie.
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