Hawaii Babies

pity party, table for 1

Soooooo not happy with DH right now.

As you all know, he's been away this entire week (6 nights) - he got home this morning. When we talked on the phone last night, he said he knew this week had been pretty hard for me and that when he got home today he'd take care of the boys right away so I could have some time to myself - take a long bath or whatever I wanted to do.

Instead, he's come home for a short while, then headed out the door saying he was going to an electronics store to pick up a computer part so he could do stuff to his computer this afternoon. I went all OMGWTFBBQ are you serious??? The part he's getting is NOT urgent - it could easily wait until tomorrow. So now I'm sitting here all alone with two fussy boys. Again.

I'm kind of furious at him right now. And hurt, because I feel like he's being appallingly thoughtless and does.not.get.it.

Obviously I need to discuss this with him (I called it out as he was walking out the door, but clearly it will be talked about more later on), but I just needed to vent right now. Crying

Re: pity party, table for 1

  • Oh no...awww, that really sucks =( He must've thought that since he's been gone for so long, a quick trip to the store won't hurt...but he didn't know how much you needed a break!! Hope you guys got to talk it out and I hope he came home quickly and you finally got some time to yourself today! He should definitely owe you big one! ))HUGS((
    Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies
  • Oh hell to the no!  I am sorry Lisa...that's just not right.  I hope you drill some sense into him.  And....leave the house for a few hours ALONE...go get a massage or a mani/pedi or head to the bookstore or park or whatever...and get out of the house for a good 3-4 hours!
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  • Aw Lisa! I hope you were able to get out of the house too! Even if it's just to sit in the car to sleep!!!!
    D started out as a LUCKY CHARM but ended up being our LOVEBUG image
    hawaii 10.2008 plan ;P married bio ???
  • Sad what all the pp said.  and - hugs to you, supermom!!! 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thanks ladies...we had a good discussion last night - well, to be honest, it was more of a "this is how it's going to be" talk on my part!

    He said he hadn't thought of it that way, that he was looking at it more like what inamara said - that he'd been gone for a week so another 20 min wouldn't hurt and hadn't considered it from my point of view. I explained to him that the only time I get a break is when HE gives me one - and that he knows how twitchy he gets after watching them for like 3 hours, and I went an entire week like that. There may have also been some yelling, which I'm not proud of but it was a big wtf moment for me.

    Anyway, I don't think he was intentionally trying to be an ass, but he should be more considerate in the future.

  • imageredshoegirl:

    well, to be honest, it was more of a "this is how it's going to be" talk on my part!

    You tell him!

    Glad you guys got to talk it through =)

    Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies
  • Glad you talked it through but here are some hugs anyway :)
    I love Hawaii!

    Tara & Ian . 4/24/2008 . The Kahala Planning . Married

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • oh my.  you had every right to be furious and to put him in his place! i get what he was thinking but i don't get why he was thinking this.... i really do think that men just don't get it when it comes to babies. sure, some do, but the vast majority don't really understand...
  • glad you had a talk with him!
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